My name is Nozinhle and I'm from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼. I studied a Master's in Robotics and Automation at University West.

Photo: Oskar Omne


My name is Nozinhle. Feel free to take a moment to try and pronounce that again..and again..and..again. LOL. You can call me Nozie.

I’m from the beautiful City of Kings (Bulawayo) in Zimbabwe and I am a Swedish Institute Scholarship holder currently pursuing an MSc in Robotics and Automation at the University West in Trollhättan. For me, Sweden was an obvious study choice. Besides the fact that it is well known for being a great study destination for international students, Sweden has the perfect combination of the three things that matter the most to me as a female engineering professional: innovation, sustainability, and gender equality. I thus look forward to experiencing the “Swedish Way of Life.”

When I’m not cracking formulae or playing with robots (literally), you can find me at the sports arena, the mall, or anywhere where there is food. I also love to travel and take a lot of pictures while at it. As a member of the blog team, I’m excited at having the opportunity to share my experiences with you through my blog posts. Most of my content will include scholarship application tips, academic life, traveling, and basically, all the things I get up to in order to make the most of my experience as an international student here.

Feel free to reach out with any comments or questions and I would be more than happy to assist to the best of my abilities.


MSc Robotics and Automation at University West

Past Ambassador

Nozinhle was a digital ambassador between 2021-2023 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.