Become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador

Studying in Sweden this autumn and want to become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador? Brilliant! 🎉 You’re in the right place.

We are looking for students to become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador for the academic year 2024/2025. 🙌

So, what does a digital ambassador do, exactly?

As a digital ambassador, you’ll share your experiences of studying in Sweden in our digital channels. Basically, you’ll share your life as an international student here.

You’ll join one of the two teams below. This lets you focus on the type of content you are most passionate about.

You’ll be writing several blog posts a month for the Study in Sweden blog, whether it’s a how-to article or storytelling.

We are looking for two new team members to join the blog team.

You’ll share the responsibility of running our Instagram account ↗️ on a daily basis – posting photos, videos and images, taking over stories, taking part in Live broadcasts, and interacting with followers on DMs. You will be creating all types of content on Instagram.

This year we are looking for two new team members to join our Instagram team, alongside three returning ambassadors.

All digital ambassadors also respond to user comments and messages.

As a Study in Sweden digital ambassador, you’ll be expected to spend at least 20 hours a month on your digital ambassador tasks.

We offer limited financial renumeration for your work and plenty of opportunities for professional development. More details will be shared during the interview process.

Throughout the year, we organise three meet-ups where we come together as a group to share experiences, learn new skills, swap ideas, and have a good time! And yes, fika is included 😄

You are expected to participate in all the meet-ups. Our first meet-up will take place from 4 – 6 October 2024 in Stockholm.

Photo: Nguyen
Nguyen, Lund University

“Being a digital ambassador of Study in Sweden is one of the best highlights of my Sweden journey. I have had the best colleagues and managers that I could ask for, and the wonderful opportunities to learn and grow my writing and photography skills. I was able to connect with people all around the world and share my experience of studying and living in Sweden”

We’re looking for fun, creative, excited digital ambassadors.

And we’ve got a few other requirements:

  • You’re a full-time student pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a Swedish university in Sweden. We welcome applications from both new students who are starting their studies in the autumn semester 2024 and returning students who continue their studies for the academic year 2024/2025. Please note that we only accept applicants who are studying on-campus at a Swedish university, we don’t accept applicants studying a remote/online learning programme at a Swedish university.
  • You’re an international student.
  • You’re comfortable writing and talking in English, though perfect language skills aren’t essential. You don’t need to be a native speaker, but we do need you to be able to tell your story confidently, in your own voice.
  • You’re comfortable in front of the camera, as we also encourage you to participate in livestreams from time to time.
  • You love telling stories and communicating with people from different backgrounds, whether through text, photography or video. The important part is you’re able to be creative and produce unique, engaging content.
  • You can commit to spending a minimum of 20 hours a month during the academic year on being a digital ambassador.
  • You are good at managing your time. We tend to prioritise students who are used to and able to work alongside their studies.
  • You’re motivated to take initiative and dedicated to completing your tasks. As a person, you are reliable, responsible, and like to help others.

We also have some other team-specific requirements:

To apply for this role, you should love writing and storytelling, and you should also be good at using visual elements to boost the engagement of your blog posts.
You should be able to craft engaging, informative, and well-structured blog posts that resonate with our target audience. You have good research abilities to gather information and present it in a clear, concise, and informal way.
Creativity and the ability to generate unique and interesting blog post ideas are highly valued. We want someone who can think outside the box and bring fresh perspectives to our blog. Being able to post regularly and work independently is also important to ensure a consistent flow of content.

To apply for this role, you enjoy capturing interesting moments in your everyday life through photos and videos, and you love sharing your daily life on a publicly accessible social media account.

You know your way around the platform, have a good eye for aesthetics, and can create engaging and visually appealing content. You are familiar with Instagram’s features, such as stories, Reels and have the ability to come up with creative ideas for posts, stories and Reels.
Time management skills and the ability to consistently deliver high-quality content are also important for this role. You can work efficiently and post content in a timely manner. The ability to stay on top of trends, capture and edit photos and videos quickly, and maintain a consistent posting schedule is highly desirable. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and can produce high-quality content while meeting tight deadlines, you’ll be a great fit for our team.
It’s a plus if you have experience creating content on a daily basis for a publicly accessible account. It’s also a bonus if you are great at explaining things in a way that’s easy to understand and you have a natural talent for giving clear information or instructions. Being able to understand and connect with our target audience is key, so having a knack for storytelling and using captions effectively is a plus too.

As video content plays a crucial role on Instagram, it’s advantageous if you are comfortable with all stages of the short-video creation process on social media – from brainstorming to filming and editing. You should be familiar with various types of Reels, Shorts, or short videos that are popular on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Ideally, you should have experience producing such videos independently, from initial ideas to the final product, and are used to create quickly without compromising on quality. Additionally, having a keen eye for selecting the right music, effects, and transitions to make your videos stand out is beneficial. Being able to add that extra sprinkle of creativity to your work is a definite plus.

How to apply

If you want to become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador your next step is easy. Go ahead and apply.

To apply, please fill in the online application form for the respective team and attach your application documents to the form by 11 August 2024 (23:59 local Swedish time, CEST) if you’re applying for the blog and/or Instagram team.

Your application and documents should be in English. Merge all the documents that we require into one single PDF file, and upload this PDF file under “CV document” in the application form.

You can apply for more than one team if you’d like. In that case, you need to merge all the documents each respective team requires into a single PDF file, and submit the PDF files separately for each of the teams you apply for. You are free to reuse the same CV and cover letter for multiple teams if you prefer, but you will need to merge and attach them multiple times if you apply to different teams.

Photo: Simon Paulin/
Photo: Ulf Lundin/

Join the blog team

If you want to join the blog team, make sure you submit the following:

Your CV, including links to any relevant social media profiles you maintain (blog, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, etc).  Make sure to make your account public if you have a private account.

You are welcome to present yourself in either a cover letter (max 500 words), an introductory video (max 3 minutes), or any creative way on Instagram.

The most important thing is that you explain why you want to become a digital ambassador and why you think you are a good fit for this role.  

If you choose to create a video or Instagram post, send it to us as a link in the PDF that you will submit with your application. If you choose to create Instagram stories, save them as a highlight and include a link in the PDF you submit with your application so that we can find them.

Please submit a sample blog post you’ve written about any topic you think is relevant for Study in Sweden’s blog. There is no max word limit for the sample blog post. Remember to include some example images/photos in the sample blog post too, preferably photos that you have taken yourself.

Please include an inspiration text (max 400 words) which includes:

  • Links to 3 blogs that inspire you or that you think could serve as inspiration for Study in Sweden’s student blog. Please include an explanation for why you think these blogs could serve as inspiration for Study in Sweden’s student blog.
  • At least 5 ideas for topics you’d want to create content about for Study in Sweden’s student blog. Please include some thoughts about our current blog – what you like and what you’d do more of or differently.

Apply for the blog team ↗️

Join the Instagram team

If you want to join the Instagram team, make sure you submit the following:

On your CV, you should include links to any relevant social media profiles you maintain (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Blog, Pinterest etc). Make sure to make your account public if you have a private account. 

You are welcome to present yourself in either a cover letter (max 500 words), an introductory video (max 3 minutes), or any creative way on Instagram.

The most important thing is that you explain why you want to become a digital ambassador and why you think you are a good fit for this role.  

If you choose to create a video or Instagram post, send it to us as a link in the PDF that you will submit with your application. If you choose to create Instagram stories, save them as a highlight and include a link in the PDF you submit with your application so that we can find them.

Please include an inspiration text (max 400 words) which includes: 

  • Links to 3 Instagram accounts that inspire you or that you think could serve as inspiration for your content creation for Study in Sweden + a brief explanation why.
  • Links to 5-10 Reels/Shorts/TikTok videos that inspire you and that you’ll be able to create for Study in Sweden if you were a digital ambassador. Please include a brief description of why you chose them as well describe your ideas for Reels that you’d like to create for Study in Sweden, using the links you include as inspiration.
  • Your ideas for content you’d want to create for Study in Sweden’s Instagram. Please specify both topics and in which form(s) you’d like to show the content. Additionally, you can include a content plan for a one-week story takeover. You can also include your thoughts about our current Instagram account – what you like or don’t like, what you’d do more of, and what you’d do differently.

In this application document, only write your Instagram account and links so that we can find your samples on your account. Don’t include any video or image files. 
On Instagram (either on a new account you create OR on your own account which you make public) show us: 

3-5 sample feed posts you’d make for Study in Sweden if you were a digital ambassador

The sample feed posts should include photos/graphics and a caption. At least one of the feed posts should be in a carousel format with several images/graphics, on the topic of How to apply to Study in Sweden. At least one feed post should include photos that you have taken. 

Only copy the links to the posts in the document, so we can find them on your Instagram.

At least 3 sample Reels/TikTok videos you have created independently

It’s a plus if they are videos you have created for your application, which means videos you would create if you were our digital ambassador. At least one of the videos should feature you in it. Alternatively, you can show us TikTok videos you have made – please only share the links to the videos in this document. 

3-4 sets of Instagram stories you have made for your application

In these Instagram stories, you should show us what you would do with the Study in Sweden account if you got to do a story takeover. Some of the stories should feature you in it, and some should show you talking in front of the camera. You are free to decide how many stories you post in each set of stories. In each set, you can show any aspects of the given topic. The 3 – 4 sets of stories should be:

  • A set of stories on the topic of grocery shopping. Save the stories as a highlight under “SIS-grocery” so that we know where to find them on your account. If you are not in Sweden yet, you can show grocery shopping wherever you currently live.
  • A set of stories showing a day in your life. Save the stories as a highlight under “SIS-a day”.
  • A set of Q&A stories: Use Instagram’s question sticker and the respond function to answer some questions as if you have received them from Study in Sweden’s followers. You can do this in any way you want. The point is not to see how much you know or how correct your answers are, but how you respond to questions. Save your stories as a highlight under “SIS-Q&A”. Include at least these questions: How is the weather in Sweden/your home country? What’s your best experience studying at XX university? Can I appy for a student card before I come to Sweden? Are there students who play roundnet? Are Swedes straight forward?
  • Optional: If you feel the 3 above topics are not enough for us to see your skills, you can create one more set of stories you want to make if you were an ambassador for Study in Sweden. You can tell a story, share some thoughts, give instructions or interview some friends, etc. Save the stories as a highlight under “SIS-any”.

Apply for the Instagram team ↗️

Concillier, Lund University

“My recommendation would be that you join the digital ambassador programme to make life long friends if anything. You will have fun improving your digital skills, travelling in Sweden and experiencing the Swedish culture. Above all, you will be sharing your experiences with the rest of the world which is pretty epic if you ask me!”

What happens after your application?

We’ll check through the application that come in on time after the application deadline of 11 August.

Digital interviews will be taking place around mid-late August with a number of selected students. If you are chosen for an interview, we will contact you via email. Otherwise, you won’t hear from us until the final selection is made around the end of August.

If you have any questions about the application process, contact us via email:
da-applications(a) It might take a while till we get back to you during the summer holidays in July and early August, but don’t worry – applying early doesn’t increase your chances of being offered a place in the digital ambassador programme.

We look forward to your application – good luck! 🤞🏽