Application tips from the AI chatbot ChatGPT!

Clearly, the future has arrived. The artificial intelligence era is upon us. From AI-generated art to self-driving cars! And today we are getting university application tips from the AI chatbot ChatGPT! What a time to be alive!


I promise not to make this blog post ‘geek-talk’, but as an engineering student, this is quite fun. Over the years, people have gotten accustomed to asking Google for everything. If you are considering applying to universities in Sweden or have done so already, I’m pretty sure you used Google here and there; maybe for applications tips, to find out more about life in Sweden or maybe just to verify the application dates. We have all grown quite dependent on this resourceful search engine. Then, enter ChatGPT.

So, what is ChatGPT?

A woman examines a mannequin head wearing a winter hat.
Robot and Human. Credit: Melker Dahlstrand

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by the company OpenAI. It’s blown lot of people away by the way its model works so well in interacting with users in a conversational way. Not to mention the fact that it can answer complex questions from a wide range of subjects, solve math problems, write poetry, and even correct errors in Python code!
In short, you ask questions as you would to another person, and it generates a response. While it’s still under beta-testing and far from perfect, I thought it would be fun to test how well it does in giving application tips for Swedish university admission.

So, what did I ask ChatGPT?

To keep things short and direct, my question was ‘What are your top 3 tips for someone applying for university admission in Sweden?’

A screenshot of application tips from the AI chatbot ChatGPT.
Photo: Nozinhle

Tip 1: Start the application process early

ChatGPT said:
‘It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to research and apply to universities in Sweden. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the application process and the requirements for admission.’

I couldn’t agree more. Multiple blog posts have been shared on this platform, all alluding to the importance of starting the application process early. And this is possibly the most important tip, which is fitting that it comes first. Starting early will give you plenty of time to also gather the required documents such as transcripts and motivation letters, where required. If there one tip you take from this post, this is the tip!

Tip 2: Research your options

ChatGPT said:
‘There are many universities in Sweden to choose from, so it’s important to do your research and find the one that best fits your interests and goals. Consider factors such as location, program offerings, and cost.’

This can also be extended to the need to narrow down the options to not just universities, but specific programmes. If you are committing to study something for several years, it might as well be something you love and enjoy! Take time to go through the syllabus to find out what modules the programmes you like have.

A screenshot of top three tips for someone applying for university in Sweden from the AI chatbot ChatGPT.

Tip 3: Demonstrate your passion and motivation

ChatGPT said:
‘In your application, it’s important to show why you are interested in studying in Sweden and why you are a good fit for the program you are applying to. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments that will help you stand out as a candidate.’

Although, not all programmes require a motivation letter as part of the application documentation, most do. In a pool of hundreds (or thousands) of applicants, your motivation letter may be what sets you apart from the rest. It gives you a chance to let your voice be heard. Use it to make a compelling case on why you should be admitted.

Final thoughts

It’s good to note that since ChatGPT is a regenerative app, the responses you get from asking EXACTLY THE SAME QUESTION may differ each time. While it’s fun to get university application tips from the AI chatbot ChatGPT, its responses must be taken with a pinch of salt. Additionally, its training data is limited to 2021 and before. For up-to-date information about the application process, always refer to the official websites. These are:
University Admissions – for information about application requirements, fees, deadlines, etc.
StudyInSweden – for information about all things related to studying in Sweden.
Swedish Migration Agency – for information about visas and visa requirements.

Till next time, hejdå!


Written by Nozinhle

18 Dec 2022