My name is Andaç Baran and I'm from Turkey 🇹🇷. I studied a Master's in Digital Media and Society at Uppsala University.

Hej people!
This is Andaç Baran. Born and raised in Turkey, lived in the Capital City, Ankara and the city of continents, Istanbul. Now, I am studying in Digital Media and Society Master Programme in a lovely, cosmopolitan city, Uppsala.
After almost 2 years of work experience in Istanbul, I felt like it is perfect time to study more in academia and moved to Sweden.
What do I like? It totally depends on my mood however I don’t need so many things to feel great. A day as in lyrics of “Perfect Day” is more than enough.
Lastly, do not forget that “La beaute est dans la rue” or as people say in Swedish “Skönheten ligger på gatan”
MSc Digital Media and Society at Uppsala University
Past Ambassador
Andaç Baran was a digital ambassador between 2015-2017 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.