Written by Annamaria
09 Apr 2022
You might not think about it at first but the cost of toiletries can actually have an impact on your bank account status. Based on Statista, an average consumer spends about (SEK 110) on toiletries monthly (which can sum up to almost SEK 1000 annually). In order to avoid spending too much unnecessarily, you need to know your options for affordable cosmetics in Sweden. This blog post introduces some of the most affordable places for personal care products and by comparing the price of 75 ml Zendium toothpaste, you can get a picture of what the price range of the products is. I chose this brand of toothpaste because it can be found in almost all of these shops.

The most affordable options

Normal is a very popular Danish brand that sells personal care products all over Scandinavia. Here you can choose from a great variety of products (some of them labeled eco) ranging from toiletries, and cleaning products to beauty products, healthy food, or snacks. This is probably the most affordable option on this list.

The price of the Zendium toothpaste was only SEK 20. They also often have sales and the prices of products decrease significantly. You can find popular brands such as Dove, Schwarzkopf, Aussie, L’Oréal, and many more.
Supermarkets – ICA, Lidl, Hemköp

I’d say that this is the most obvious option. If you don’t know where to buy your toiletries, a supermarket is a good and usually quite affordable bet. In Sweden, I’d recommend ICA (ICA Maxi), Hemköp or Lidl.

I was in Hemköp to compare the price and Zendium toothpaste was on sale for less than SEK 25. A similar price was in ICA. Unfortunately, they do not sell it in Lidl while their range of toiletry brands is quite limited. The prices however remain low and you can certainly find a toothpaste for SEK 20 or less. I don’t typically shop for personal care products in Lidl because I like to have more options.
Apotek (Hjärtat)

Apotek Hjärtat is a place that you can probably find in every city. Its products range from haircare, skincare, and oral care to beauty products and medicine. The price of 75 ml of Zendium toothpaste is about SEK 23.

They have many options for personal care products and prices go from SEK 27 per 250 ml shampoo up. The benefit is that you can be almost certain that the products you buy are of good quality.
The honorable mention
Yves Rocher
They, unfortunately, do not offer toothpaste but they have several personal care products such as haircare, skincare, and beauty products. I chose it because I personally feel like their products are of good quality and the price can be considered semi-affordable. You can find 300 ml shampoo for SEK 99. It is however only an honorable mention while the price is not that low but I guess you pay for what you get. It is also not so common to have this shop in smaller cities.

To conclude…
There are also other places where to shop for personal care products such as Lyko, Bodyshop, Sephora, Kicks, Rituals, etc. but those are a bit more pricey. You can also order toiletries online but you’d have to pay the delivery costs. Normal, Apotek Hjärtat, and the supermarkets (ICA, Hemköp, Lidl) are the most common places found in every city and the most affordable options in my opinion. Let me know where you shop for your cosmetics.