Written by Lauren
09 Dec 2018
Luckily, some of our former and current digital ambassadors have given us their perspective on that very subject and in this post, I’ve compiled all of their excellent advice.Read on for the best money-related posts our team has written in 2017 and 2018. And if your questions aren’t answered here, let us know in the comments!
One of the ways you can fund your studies is by applying for a scholarship.
Swedish Institute Study Scholarship-holder Lara wrote a great guide on applying for the scholarship – but please note, there have since been some changes to this scholarship. It’s now called the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP) and you can find information about it here. Lara’s post is still worth a read as it has some great general application advice.
Andrés gives you the scholarship advice he wishes he’d received.
Also, this page on the Study in Sweden website has a lot more information on finding a scholarship.

How much will I spend each month living in Sweden? There is some great information here about tuition fees and the cost of living in Sweden – and our bloggers have some thoughts on the matter too.
Earlier this year, Anita’s excellent blogpost provided detailed information on the official maintenance requirement from Migrationsverket, the cost of living for families and info on her own monthly spend as a student in Gothenburg.
Also this year, Sania gave us a great overview of how much she spent every month as a student in Uppsala.
Am I allowed to work while I study in Sweden? What kind of jobs can I do? Usisipho and Andrés have the answers!
Usisipho gives us the lowdown on part-time jobs
… and Andrés has some thoughts on part-time jobs too.
There are also some tips here on working during your studies.

There are lots of little ways you can save money when you get to Sweden, including cooking at home instead of eating out, second-hand shopping and taking advantage of your student discount. Check out the posts below for more info.
Sania gives us her tips on how students can save money.
And Anita has some advice on this too
Raeed writes about second-hand shopping (with a handy guide to second-hand shops in different Swedish cities). It’s a great way to save money and be sustainable.
Judith has a nice price comparison of how much your everyday groceries will cost in different supermarkets here in Sweden.