Written by Sara Roza
05 May 2021
If you are reading this article, you’re probably on a hunt for accommodation in the city of Gothenburg. I’m here to help you, sharing all my wisdom, guiding you through this VERY stressful time in 2021. I attempt to give you specific details and links to help you to find a room or an apartment in Gothenburg!
Many previous digital ambassadors have written articles on housing tips. Also, our talented YouTube team has made informative videos. Here is a list of the previously written articles and uploaded videos from our blog, and YouTube team. The following links will direct you to our website or to our YouTube channel:
- 7 Tips For Finding Accommodation in Sweden as an international student – A video made by Reuben (YT link)
- Housing in Gothenburg – A blog post written by former Digital Ambassador, Anita in 2018
- Looking for housing in Sweden – An article by Angelina from 2015
- Different types of student housing, pros and cons – By Leonilla from 2017
- 5 tips on how to secure housing in Sweden – by Jordan written in 2021 !!!!
- Complete guide to Accommodation – How to find one? – By Hazal from the year 2020
1. Find out if your university…
provides you accommodation or not. In some cases, at some programs, universities can recommend you or provide you with a dorm room, or a small studio. It depends on the university if you’re a fee paying student or not, or even on your scholarship. In Gothenburg, there are two universities: the University of Gothenburg, and the Chalmers University of Technology.
When I am saying “provides you” accommodation it does not mean that you don’t have to pay for it (unless your scholarships cover housing). It means that you do not have to worry about finding your own place to stay, they will offer you a place in the dormitory. Usually, these rooms cost between 2800 SEK to 4000-5000 SEK / month for a dorm room (normally means bathroom and kitchen corner included, or shared kitchen is provided).
- The ↗️ Chalmers University of Technology – might provide accommodation for international students
- The ↗️ University of Gothenburg – does not provide accommodation

2. Register on SGS, Boplats, etc.
As soon as I got my welcome letter from the university I was recommended to look for accommodation. I panicked, I did not know where to start. However NOW I know where to start! 😊
SGS – is a student accommodation service, where you accumulate “points” to a queue system.
The sooner you register the more points you can collect. No personal number is required, they even have an office in the city centre! Here is a link to their website: ↗️
Here is also something I didn’t know: if you join to a student union, you gain extra queue time.!!!!!!!!!!! 🙌
Blocket.se, Boplats.se and other websites…
Blocket.se ↗️ – registration is free, HOWEVER be aware of scams!
Boplats.se ↗️ – small amount of registration fee, and relatively a lot of offers
3. Facebook groups
This is how I found my first place in Gotheburg! There are various Facebook groups where you can also browse.
I highly recommend you to post about yourself: what are you looking for, where, what is your budget, when would you like to move in. If you post it with a picture about yourself smiling that also helps a lot! (Nope not a tinder profile picture, so a simple family-friendly picture is perfect haha 😀)
Here are some Facebook groups ↗️ ↗️ ↗️(links are external, directing you to Facebook!!!) PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL! 🙌 🙌 🙌
- Accommodation For Students In Gothenburg!
- Housing, Rooms, Apartments, Sublets/ Bostad Göteborg Gothenburg Goteborg
- Lägenheter i Göteborg – this has probably the largest amount of members, but it is in Swedish, however if you post there in English that is fine 🙂
- Rum SÖKES/UTHYRES i Göteborg

- Give away your bank datas, address, passwords, identity card
- Give, transfer, etc money in advance without seeing the apartment and making sure its ownership
- Fall for scams – if the offer is to good to be true (way cheaper than normal), the description is sketchy, or the owner asks you to pay to much (also I highly recommend reporting scammers!)
- Rent out anything without seeing it (ask for a video tour, or ask a friend to check it for you, etc)
5. DO
ENJOY YOUR TIME IN GOTHENBURG and don’t stress: you will always find something 🙂 🏠 🏠 🏠