In November grey clots the sky, swaddling you as you try to go about your daily business. You transition into wearing chunky knitwear but there’s a permanent, non-committal drizzle and fog in the air and it makes everything damp.
When the snow comes, even if there’s no sun, it makes everything brighter. Take what joy you can from the fact your nostril hairs will freeze together. Do not chew minty gum and then go outside. Be glad that the snow makes everything so quiet, and can put on such a show.
Trees in Kiruna / Photo: EmmaUppsala in late winter / Photo: EmmaTrees by Flogsta housing, Uppsala / Photo: EmmaThe Church in Kiruna, January 2018 / Photo: EmmaKiruna in the winter / Photo: EmmaMe in the wintertime, Kiruna / Photo: RaeedAn outtake / Photo: RaeedThe outskirts of Uppsala, March 2018 / Photo: EmmaFjällnora / Photo: EmmaEarly afternoon, January 2018 in Kiruna / Photo: EmmaAfternoon in wintertime Uppsala / Photo: EmmaIndustrial / Photo: EmmaFrozen undergrowth, Kiruna 2018 / Photo: EmmaPink wintertime light, flying away from Kiruna 2018 / Photo: EmmaSkating in Uppsala, March 2018 / Photo: Ivanna
sneeze and you’ll miss it. Is it March – May? Is it April – May? The snow is like that friend at a party who says all of their goodbyes at 11:00pm, promising to call it a night now, but every time another Frank Ocean song comes on over the aux cord says, “I can just hang around a while longer!” Before you know it it’s 8am the next day and they’re still there, incomprehensibly.
You’ll need a bigger backpack to accommodate the extra sweater, the rain mac, the gloves (just in case), your umbrella.
Everything is in flux. The gravel from the streets to protect against the ice gets in your shoes.
Daylight savings comes, everyone exhales.
A spot for sauna in Stockholm / Photo: EmmaTemperature of the water outside of the sauna / Photo: EmmaSakura in Stockholm / Photo: EmmaA bedroom window view, Uppsala 2019 / Photo: EmmaEarly evening in Stockholm / Photo: EmmaPride flag and pink building in Uppsala / Photo: EmmaStockholm tube, 6pm in the spring / Photo: EmmaA sleeping boat in Uppsala, Spring 2019 / Photo: EmmaA pink spring sky, Uppsala / Photo: EmmaSpring trees, Uppsala 2018 / Photo: EmmaUppsala 2018 / Photo: Emma
don’t close your blinds before bed, be woken up by the sun at 3am and – for one night at least – watch it make its golden arc upwards.
Get your walking boots on and hike into the night without worries.
Go out to the islands, swim everywhere, be outside whenever you can be.
A student room in early August morning / Photo: EmmaA 3am walk home in Stockholm, Summer 2019 / Photo: EmmaAn 8am morning swim, July 2018 / Photo: EmmaChurch in Odenplan, Stockholm / Photo: EmmaHot air balloon in Sofia, Stockholm / Photo: EmmaWoodland walk, July 2018 / Photo: DarylStatues and trees near Södrateatern, Stockholm June 2019 / Photo: EmmaSwimmers in Stockholm 2019 / Photo: EmmaFriends after a swim, early September 2019 / Photo: EmmaÖsterlen, southern Sweden, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaBoat and Swedish flag, 2018 / Photo: EmmaStockholm archipelago / Photo: EmmaLight at 12:30, Stockholm, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaEarly evening (or late morning, I can’t remember), a church on Södermalm, Stockholm / Photo: EmmaGamla Stan, Stockholm / Photo: EmmaCaramel and pistachio ice cream, Uppsala 2019 / Photo: EmmaA late August swim in Stockholm city, 2019 / Photo: EmmaA friend by a lake out the back of Stockholm University, 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, two friends walking, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019Abisko National Park, June 2019, two friends / Photo: EmmaAbisko National Park, June 2019 / Photo: EmmaFjällnora, Uppsala 2018 / Photo: EmmaStockholm 2019 / Photo: Emma1:30am in a woodland area just outside of Stockholm / Photo: Emma
start taking coffee in a thermos on walks in the forest. Watch the leaves shimmer off of trees when waiting for the bus.
Walk home with your head held up, facing forward. The wind and rain and snow are yet to come.
A friend in Stockholm / Photo: EmmaWalking in the forest / Photo: EmmaTaking in the autumn sun on Södermalm / Photo: EmmaA walk in the woods, Autumn 2019 / Photo: EmmaA walk in the woods, a red wooden house, Autumn 2019 / Photo credits for this and all photos below: Emma