Written by Sanjay
08 Jan 2019
The excitement of studying in Sweden shouldn’t end after applying. Soon and very soon, you’ll be as happier than a baby with food.
For me and many others the excitement extended all the way to sitting in our first class.
Of course being accepted to your dream programme or university in Sweden is not guaranteed, but it makes a lot of sense to begin the preparation as early as possible. And to be 100% honest, the closer you get to the beginning of a semester the more difficult everything becomes. So here are five things you should do after submitting your application to University Admissions.
Check, double check and triple check your submitted documents
It might make you feel like a perfectionist, but you should check that all the documents you submitted were correct. Imagine uploading a journal entry instead of your motivation letter. Horror Story!!! I know. It’s best to identify problems in your application as early as possible and see how best you can fix them. This might mean re-uploading documents or contacting the university you applied to for assistance.

Find a place to study and sleep
In Sweden competition for accommodation can be stiff. Sometimes there are long queues and even interviews to get a place to stay. It’s a good idea to start looking at Facebook groups catered to housing in your city or visit websites like blocket.se shortly after applying. This will give you an idea of what to budget for when the time comes to secure an apartment.
On a much better note, most universities have guaranteed housing for some students. As such, it’s a good idea to check with the Housing Office at your University to see how best they can help you. Remember, the earlier you do this, the better it will be.
Prepare for the move
The energy you gave to applying, you should also give to your preparation. Preparing for your move might mean making good plans on what you will do and when you will do it. For example, its good to plan for the things you will bring to Sweden and what you will leave behind. So, say goodbye to the bulky teddy bears and bring your winter essentials instead. You can also go ahead and schedule appointments with the embassy if you need a residence permit and also gather more information on the essentials you will need in Sweden.
Another good thing to do is to start looking at flights, don’t rush to buy a ticket though. Instead, watch the trends in the prices. Most travel agencies say Tuesday is the best day to buy tickets!

Renew your papers
Renewing documents from your home country is a task that many often forget. When your passport, drivers license and other documents you might need expires, it might be pretty annoying to renew them while in Sweden. This is especially important if travelling back home regularly would put a hole in you pocket. See what you can get covered while you are at home. Also, don’t forget original copies of your certificates if you were asked to bring them!
Visit the dentist and your family doctor
I have heard this a million times and I have experienced it myself. Going to the dentist in Sweden can be expensive. Compared to Jamaica, a simple dental procedure in Sweden can cost up to 4 times the amount. So before you hop on that plane and head over to Sweden, take my advice: Hop on a taxi and pay your local dentist a visit! It might also be handy to visit your doctor too 😉

You have a lot time after applying, so make use of it and get things done! Good luck on your application and your preparation for Sweden.