My name is Dena and I'm from Montenegro 🇲🇪. I studied a Master's in International Human Rights Law and Intellectual Property Law at Lund University,

Tjena! I am Dena, an ambitious 26-year-old from Montenegro and I am
a) a law graduate,
b) a language enthusiast,
c) a traveller.
a) Law. I am currently enrolled in a Master Programme in International Human Rights Law and Intellectual Property Law at Lund University.
b) Languages. Ever since I could talk and walk, I have shown my love towards internationality. Having been in command of Montenegrin, English and Italian since toddler age, I not only developed love for languages, but am also on a quest for discovering cultures and intertwining them with my own, making that mixture a basis for my personality. I also do my best to be understandable in French and have taken up learning Swedish.
c) Travels. This is a passion that led me to live in Shanghai, Brussels, and now Lund!
Finally, I love dancing and I am attempting to perfect my skills of Argentine Tango and oddly enough, I’m interested in technology.
I also hope curiosity doesn’t really kill the cat because in that case, I should start worrying.
LLM International Human Rights Law and Intellectual Property Law at Lund University
Past Ambassador
Dena was a digital ambassador between 2014-2016 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.