Written by Supritha
04 Oct 2017
Most of my courses, have a very good balance between the level of theoretical “textbook” learning, and practical application of the concepts that we learn. Each course has lectures, guest lectures from professionals working in companies and research, assignments, group and individual projects, and exams. So this mix of theory and practice, makes the learning more real and prepares you to face projects when you start working or go into research.

This is something that I get quite a few mails about. How hectic is the work load? The honest answer is: It is quite hectic. The academic year, is divided into two semesters. Each semester has two periods. Each study period is roughly about 2 months. So learning a subject, especially a technical subject in a short period of time, is of course going to be hectic.
But, I’m pretty sure if you’re passionate about the subject you choose, and the program you choose, you’ll be able to put in those extra hours. Most engineering programs are work intensive, the projects will require you to put in extra hours other than the hours you have specified for classes. But the good thing about working so much, is that at the end of the course, you’ll pretty much know everything you need to know about that subject.

The professors are super experienced, and they are always keeping up with the latest research or they’re constantly involved in cutting edge research. But other than that, they’re easy to approach. They’re passionate and they help out as much as possible. Sometimes when you put in those extra hours, if you have doubts, or if you need help, they’ll take time off and come help with your work– that’s the level of involvement they have with the students!! Also a fun fact- we call our professors by their first names in Sweden!

Which are the best universities for engineering in Sweden? This is a difficult one to answer. It depends on the program you want, and your line of interest. I study at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, which is one of the best technical universities in Sweden and Europe, in general. Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, Uppsala University are some of the best in my opinion! You can click here to find out which universities interest you and are in line with your area of interest!

-For now, your Swe-Desi Seafarer signing off 🙂