Written by Ivanna
13 Jan 2017
The first semester of my master in Strategic Communication is over! I can’t believe how fast times goes when you’re doing what you love. So, while I celebrate with fika (well more like a glass of wine), I’ve reflected upon why choosing this master in Lund University was one of the best decisions that I made in 2016.
Let’s go back exactly one year ago, when I was also sitting in my desk – but instead with a palm tree as my view and 25 C kind of weather, having a piña colada – wait I don’t even like piña colada… let’s forget the Caribbean atmosphere and go back to the story. I was trying to decide what to choose as my first option in the university application. So I made a list of the things I like the most about my today master programme. Now, one year later, after finishing the exam that marks the end of my first semester, I confirmed I was right: this is what I was looking for, here is where I belong.
This is why:
Lund University have global recognition
And guess what!? they also have the largest research and education unit in Strategic Communication. So do the math. Few more things: during this whole year they are celebrating their 350 anniversary. We’re talking about three and a half-century of teaching and research. There’s so much history linked to this place, so many inventions we use in our every day life that were created among this walls. And don’t even let me start talking about the library building in the main campus.
Learning to think critical
Yes, there are a lot of theories and concepts related to Strategic Communication, you’ll have to grasp and implement them. But more than learning by heart a bunch of information you are going to develop a way to think critical and analytical, and that, my friends, you can’t find on Google. Moreover remember we’re talking about communications, where you can control the processes but not the outcomes. Therefore in order to be good practitioners in this field you need this great problem-solving competence.

Sweden = Sustainability
This places is leading in the subject of sustainability and one that I particularly feel very passionate about: corporate social responsibility as the new way of relate with the public and engage with many of the organization stakeholders. If you’re interest in Communication in one of any of these frameworks, please just apply already. This is the place for you. By the way, just a few weeks ago I found out that the train I take is powered by renewable energy. I feel like I’ve become a better world citizen just by moving here.

Classroom atmosphere
The groups are small, 35 to 40 students per course. Which creates a smoothly dynamic where: 1) the teachers gets to know you and your goals with the master program to help you achieve them. Talking about the teachers, you call them by their first name, no “professor” or “doctor” because as they see it, we are all “colleagues” trying to find answers to things that not always have a one single approach, which make it easy for asking questions and bring up a new approach to the many discussions we have in class. 2) International classroom, imagine learning communication in a classroom where more than 20 nationalities are represented, as you can imagine, this is one of my favorites parts. 3) Forget about just individual academic work, here you will be challenge with mix lectures, workshop, case study, group projects and a LOT of reading. And on more thing… be prepare to strength your research and writing skills.

Creativity and innovation
Forget about how you have been taught things should be done, here is about challenging yourself, maybe this is why Sweden is called the Silicon Valley of Europe. I will say it’s like is not enough to think outside of the box… you kind of have to live outside of it. Once in a lifetime you need tons of that. Dare to get involve, dare to join startups in the region, dare to create and see new things where other has seen just the same.

One more…
As part of the master program you’re encouraged to take an internship the first months of the fall semester. Practical experience in your area all the way. And if you start planning ahead you can end up gaining experience in a big multinational or in one of the best Communication Agencies all over Sweden.

I could add many other things about why Strategic Communications in Lund University, but for now I will leave you with the webpage that will tell you much more about it. And just encourage you to start the year by making a decision that will shape your future. And a year from now you could be the one writing these.
Meanwhile, for me the next semester is about to start; more classes, books to read and essays to write are waiting just around the corner. And after the dark cold winter flowers will bloom, the sun will shine and a new “vibe” will cover the city once again.