Written by Brooke
30 Dec 2021
Christmastime is truly the best time of the year. Lights, excitement and anticipation, and gathering with the ones you care about. The season is magical in so many ways and I decided I wanted to celebrate it right. I had the idea to go to Stockholm (about an hour and a half away from Norrköping) for the day and tour the city in all its Christmas glory! It was a day trip that inspired me and I had so much fun!
My day started at 5:30am when my alarm went off and it was time to get ready. I showered, did my hair and makeup, and had all my stuff for the day laid out the night before. I was so excited I couldn’t possibly pack the morning of! Once I had everything together I took the blistery 20 minute walk to Norrköping Central Station.
I arrived to the central station early (typical for me) and got myself a coffee to fuel for the day. Once it was time I walked out of the warm waiting area and onto the platform for my journey to begin. The train ride was beautiful as I caught the sun rising across frosty Sweden landscape as the train traveled to the city. As the train got closer I got more and more excited for the day to start and for my adventure to begin!
We arrived at Stockholm Central station at 9:30am and I immediately hit the ground running to my first destination. The day before I arrived to Stockholm, I planned every stop and detail of my day trip so I knew exactly where I was heading. My first stop was a brunch place (breakfast + lunch restaurant) I had been dreaming of going to for quite some time. The food is almost a work of art that looks both appetizing and beautiful at the same time. I walked as fast as I could from the central station so that I could get a table at the most sought-after brunch restaurant in all the city.
Once I arrived at the brunch place, I was immediately greeted by the nicest staff who lead me to my table. The service was wonderful as was the food! I made sure to order an abnormally large meal so that I wouldn’t get hungry while walking around the city. Once I finished my delicious meal and let my stomach digest it, it was off to the next stop!

The next stop on my Stockholm tour was one of my favorite secondhand shops in all of Stockholm. If you know me personally you will know my addiction to secondhand clothes, furniture, and cook wear – I love it all! So, getting to go to one of my absolute favorite secondhand shops was a real treat.
In this second hand shop they sell everything from h&m to Prada to Zara to Gucci. If I’m being honest I can’t really afford much but I thought I would give it a try. Luckily I scored two beautiful (and affordable) pieces and then headed off to the next destination. Can you guess what it was? You’re right, another secondhand shop!
My next secondhand shop was a ginormous retro secondhand shop that specializes in selling retro t-shirts that are eclectic and weird. I was on the hunt for a shirt but there were just so many I couldn’t possibly go through them all! The secondhand shop was two stories chocked full of vintage and retro dresses, shirts, shoes, coats, bags, and more! It was truly a secondhand lovers paradise! Unfortunately everything in the store was above my price range so I didn’t get anything but I really enjoyed and appreciated my experience there. Off to my next stop!

My next stop was yet another store but this time it was not second hand. It was a boutique store with the cutest name. Are you ready for it? It was called Grandpa! How cute! The store specializes in carrying brands that are out of this world beautiful. They carry everything from clothes to scarves to books and jewelry. While I couldn’t afford anything in the store on a student budget, it was wonderful to look (and dream) at.

My next stop was not one that I had planned but rather decided to go to on a whim. SO unlike me! The stop was a cool, hipster coffee shop in Södermalm which was a 30 minute walk from where I was standing. At this point I was so tired and my shoulders were beyond killing me but walking long distances in the cold for coffee? Worth it!
I particularly enjoyed this coffee shop not only because of the coffee but because it was a chance to sit and rest after going non stop all day. I cannot emphasize how tired I was and it was wonderful to regain my energy back after I had walked for so long without taking a proper break. After I took some time to recuperate, I hit the ground running, again to another unplanned spot!

No matter how much time I have in Stockholm or what I am doing, I will always make time to go Ivar Los Park in Södermalm which arguably has the best views in all of the city. The park, which is free to visitors, has a panoramic view of Stockholm City Hall and the “skyline” of Stockholm. It is a hidden gem that a lot of people don’t know about but it is my go to place once in Stockholm. I mean how gorgeous are these views?

My last and final stop of the day before I got on the train back home to Norrköping was the Christmas market in Gamla Stan or Old Town Stockholm. I planned my trip specifically on this date to see this Christmas market before it shut down for Christmas. The market did not disappoint as it was absolutely beautiful and smelled divine. I enjoyed some warm glogg (mulled wine) and took in all the Christmas goodness.

All in all my day trip to Stockholm was a packed and hectic day full of walking, eating, and shopping. Trips like these, where I get to experience different parts of Sweden, make me feel so incredibly lucky to live in this country. Moving here was the best decision I have ever made and not a day goes by where I regret it.