Written by Brooke
16 Dec 2020
It’s no surprise that holiday time this year is different than usual. There are no Christmas markets, the sun hasn’t shown itself in Sweden in over a month, and the usual holiday cheer seems to be less. With border closures, increasing COVID cases, and expensive air travel, chances are that you are not going home to celebrate with family as usual. Even if you might be alone for the holidays you can still make this time memorable and fun. Here are some creative ways to have a memorable corona holiday

Treat yourself to a nice meal
One fond memory I have of spending the holidays with my family is gathering around the table and enjoying a nice, warm, cooked meal. We have a great conversation where we reflect on the past year and talk about the new one coming up. A holiday calls for a special occasion so why not treat yourself to a nice cooked meal to keep the tradition alive. If you’re in need of inspiration here are some traditional holiday recipes ↗️ (gluten free, vegan, and vegitarian options available!)

Watch a festive holiday movie
The holidays is just an excuse for me to put on festive pajamas, make hot cocoa (marshmallows included of course!) and watch some of my favorite christmas films. Even though I watch these films year round, they are extra special at Christmas time. Some of my favorite holiday films include:
- The Holiday
- Elf
- The Polar Express
- Love Actually
- Dr. Seuss The Grinch Stole Christmas
- Home Alone

Festivize your home
Nothing makes me feel more festive than festivizing my home for the holidays. I don’t buy a Christmas tree due to space in student corridor but that is not the only way to make festive holiday decor. You can buy lights (and keep them up year round, its trendy), candles, garlands, and wreaths to holiday-ize your home! One of the classic Swedish holiday decor is a star and candles in the window to light up the surrounding area. It is a great tradition that every one always does without a mention and I think it is so special.

Go on a walk outside
If quarantine has made me appreciate anything it is the ability to be outside and get some fresh air. Make sure to bundle up and get some exercise as it clears your head and your mind. Not only will you be getting fresh air and exercise, you can see all the beautiful christmas lights that your town has put up.

Gather (safely) with those around you
Even if though you might not be home with friends and family, you still have individuals around you such as your classmates and flatmates. Because of the unique situation that we are in this Christmas, many of my classmates have decided to get together and enjoy the holidys together instead of alone. So if you know of any classmates or flatmates that aren’t able to stay home then maybe extend an inviation to celebrate the holidays together. If you do decide to celebrate together make sure you are doing it safely and wisely as to not spread COVID.

Connect with friends and family
Lets face it: not going home to be with friends and family during the holidays just isnt the same. Some of us live thousands of miles away from our families and not being able to go home is difficult. With the wonderful technology out there a good way to spend the holiday is to connect with loved ones. Some great techologies to use when connecting with your friends and family is:
- Teleparty
- Marco Polo
- House Party
- Skype
- Zoom
Finally, even if you’re not physically home for the holidays you aren’t alone in your situation. I hope that these tips help you have a peaceful holiday and help you feel closer to your new home.