Written by Lauren
11 Jun 2019
For our Sustainability Campaign in June, we are looking at Sustainable Transport! Check out this great video by student ambassador Judith for some facts about sustainable transport:
Now, are you ready to put your sustainable transport knowledge to the test? Try out our quiz!
Now, are you ready to put your sustainable transport knowledge to the test?
Try out our quiz!
1. Which of the following modes of transport produces the least carbon emissions?
a. Train
b. Bicycle
c. Airplane
2. In 2015, which city in Sweden was named the most sustainable for transport in the whole country?
a. Malmö
b. Umeå
c. Linköping

3. What does ‘flygfritt’ mean?
a. Car-free
b. Bike-free
c. Flight-free
4. What percentage of Gothenburg’s 2800 buses run on biofuel?
a. 100%
b. 25%
c. 67%
5. What can you study in Sweden to learn more about sustainable travel?
a. Master programme in Resource Recovery at the University of Borås
b. Masters programme in Environmental Management and Policy at Lund University
c….Both of the above!
6. How many people in Sweden commute by bike each day to their place of study or work?
a. 3 million
b. 2 million
c. 1 million
1. An easy one to start with, the correct answer is b, bicycle. Trains produce 20 times less carbon emissions than planes, but bicycles are the most environmentally friendly, producing no carbon emissions at all.
2. The answer is a, Malmo was named in 2015 as having the most sustainable transport in Sweden due to its commitment to safe and comfortable cycling and a local campaign encouraging residents not to take unnecessary car journeys. ↗️
3. The answer is c. Flygfritt means ‘flight-free’ (or ‘no-fly’). In 2018/19, two Swedish women Maja Rosen and Lotta Hammar launched a campaign ↗️ to try to persuade 100,000 people to commit to not taking any flights in order to combat flying’s harmful impact on the environment.
4. b! 25% of Gothenburg’s buses run on biogas, ethanol, biodiesel or renewable electricity.
5. You guessed it, the answer is c. While sustainable travel is not the complete focus of these two Masters programmes, it seems that there are related courses. The Resource Recovery programme at Borås ↗️ includes research into biogases to replace oil and petrol, while the Environmental Management and Policy programme at Lund ↗️ includes a course on transitioning to low-carbon economies.
6. The answer is c, 1 million people in Sweden commute each day by bicycle. While that is a lot, there are still 4.5 million people driving their cars daily in Sweden.
So, how many did you get right?
0-1: You’ve been skipping the Study in Sweden sustainability classes, haven’t you? Good effort anyway!
2-3: You’re a regular tram-taker and bus-journeyer with good sustainability knowledge. Nice!
4-6: The only form of transport you have ever used, besides your own two feet, is a bicycle. Congratulations, you’re a sustainability expert!

Why not head over to the Study in Sweden Instagram to join in with our sustainability Insta stories contest?
We want to see your photos/videos on the theme of Sustainable Transport!
We would like you to take any picture/video that is related to sustainable travel, transport, and commuting. Show us your sustainable journey to work or school, wherever you are in the world. How do you get around? Metro, train, subway, bus, skateboard? Maybe you pimped your bike or have a funny commuting selfie? Show us your sustainable world! Upload the story to your Instagram (it’s important to have your account public) and tag us @Studyinswen
We’ll feature our favourite story on the Study in Sweden Instagram account and you can win a lovely sustainable prize!
THEME: Sustainable Transport
DEADLINE: 15 June 2019 at 11:59pm Swedish time!
STEP 1: Take a photo/video related to the theme
STEP 2: Upload to your stories with a caption
STEP 3: Tag us @studyinsweden and use #sustainableSiS