Written by Usisipho
06 May 2019
For me, spring means more time spent enjoying the outdoors! So I decided to visit one of my favourite spots in Gothenburg – botaniska trädgård!
Göteborgs botaniska trädgård (Gothenburg Botanical Garden) is one of the biggest botanical gardens in Europe. It opened in 1919 and is nestled around the hills just outside the Gothenburg city centre. The garden is home to a wide variety of plant species from all corners of the world.

I enjoy visiting at most times of the year, as it the landscape changes quite dramatically with the seasons. But I enjoy it most in autumn and spring – the times when the change is most noticeable and intriguing.

What to see?
The garden is divided into different themed section – from a Japanese garden, greenhouses, a bulb garden, and herb garden among others.

It’s surrounded by hills and a natural forest (Änggårdsbergen), so if meticulously grown gardens aren’t your thing, you can always go for something a bit more wild.

What to do?
Besides the garden, there are a few historical buildings, play areas for children, and an educational centre. There’s also a nursery and shop where you can buy some plants to take back home!

It’s a great place for taking a walk/jog, or just taking in the botanical wonders. My favourite spot is probably the lookout point! It’s located up on a hill, where you can take in the city views. On a good day, you can see all the way out to sea, as well as the surrounding areas of Annedal and Linnéstaden.

If you visit, be sure to dedicate a few hours to it. There’s plenty of information about all the sections of the garden and it’s history. I often find myself getting lost in time trying to take in all the details!

Enjoy this? To see more about the outdoors in Sweden, check out Spring: in photos, or this post about Hökälla park!