Written by Supritha
31 May 2018
In 2016, I wrote a blogpost, where my friends told about their first impressions and what they liked about Sweden. It’s been two years now. I will be completing my Master’s program soon. So, I thought it was about time to do a follow up to that blogpost.
I asked my friends from KTH Royal Institute of technology, to share some lessons that they learnt during their time as a student in Sweden, and what advice they would give to future students. So here is another International Interview – this time, focusing on life lessons and advice.

“What is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during your time as a student in Sweden? What advice do you have for future students?”
*A HUGE thank you to all my friends for helping me with this blogpost* 😀
Would you like to come Study in Sweden? Have any questions for us? Let me know in the comments below.
/For now, your Swe-desi Seafarer signing off !