Written by Anita
03 Jan 2018
It’s officially 2018. This is the time when everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions. I decided to reign in the New Year by giving you a blog post on a year in the life of a Kenyan in Sweden.
In this post I will share with you memories from the past two years in Sweden. This is a year in the life of a Kenyan in Sweden.

My favourite selfie since coming to Sweden. My first snowfall! I even wrote a whole blog post about it. This makes it to my list of my best memories since moving here.

Campus life is fun. But doing it in the snow was even better. Here a friend of mine took a picture of me super excited that the snow finally stuck to the ground in Gothenburg. I had to send this one home!

Birthdays can be nerve wrecking. Especially when you are 13,851 kilometers away from home. My friends however, made it one of the nicest birthdays i’ve had. We went for dinner at an indian restaurant I had wanted to try for ages. They all chipped in for a gift card from Gothia Towers which I ended up using to go to the spa!

Spring had finally sprung. With it came beautiful flowers on campus and all around the city. I finally understand why everyone gets so happy during the spring. It’s like the world comes to life after a long and dark winter.

This sadly marked the last digital ambassadors trip. We went to Sigtuna which is Sweden’s oldest town. This was one of our best trips and we made memories to last a lifetime. This included dancing in the gym, playing some fun games, jumping in the hot tub and of course a lot of FIKA!

It finally started feeling like summer! Sommaren är här! I got to go swimming twice in the sea with friends. We spent our days riding bicycles and picnicking by the beach and our evenings enjoying a swim and a drink.

Sunsets in Sweden are something else! Check out this countdown of 13 reasons to study in Sweden! I was on a train and saw this sunset as I was passing and hopped off at the next stop to capture this.

Boy don’t I love a summer festival! Way out West Gothenburg goes down as the best one I have ever attended in my life! I got to see Major Lazer, Frank Ocean, Band of Horses, Migos, London Grammar and Diplo. Three days of bubbles, happiness and sunshine! What more could a girl ask for!

This was one of my first experiences in Gothenburg. I got to have dinner with all my friends and meet the Mayor. Well not meet her but she gave a very cool speech to the new students who had come to study in Gothenburg.

The cheapest destination I have ever traveled to goes to Friedrikshavn in Denmark. We took a ferry across the sea and it cost us SEK170 return. Plus i won SEK 350 on the slot machines! Let’s just say my friends always say i’m lucky.

Autumn is literally my favourite season in Sweden. I had never seen leaves change colour before as I am from a country on the equator. It was one of the most breathtaking experiences. I kept bringing leaves home every time i’d see a new colour. Probably sounds strange for those of you from countries with seasons, but for me it was amazing!

Christmas in never complete without a trip to a market! Here the welcome services at the University took us on a trip to Tjolöholm Castle . We even got to meet Santa Claus known as ‘tomten’ in Sweden.
Looking forward to 2018! Here’s to another year in Sweden!
Gott nytt år!
From Sweden with love