Written by Nozinhle
18 Sep 2022
And just like that, the summer holiday is over and we are back at school! Also, that means I have been in Sweden for over a whole year! It’s incredible how fast times flies!
How it started…

A little over a year ago, I landed at Arlanda Airport en-route to Gothenburg and eventually, the cute city of Trollhättan. With my belongings stuffed in two overweight suitcases, I arrived in Sweden feverish with excitement and expectation. Before I knew it, Fall came and went, paving way for the famous Swedish winter, which wasn’t the worst thing I have experienced, to be honest. Winter, too, came and went. Spring also. And eventually, I got to experience my first Swedish summer, and it was a wonderful experience!
The summer…

So, what did I get up to over the summer? Well for starters, I spent the greater part of it interning in Stockholm at Northvolt. This was such a great and enlightening experience! I survived the Stockholm Metro (which I will write about in an upcoming blog). Oh yes, there is the Colour Run I attended in Gothenburg. Not forgetting celebrating my first MidSummer and spending time with friends, basking in the sun, sight-seeing, taking a dip or two in lakes, and also, some travelling. Yes, the summer holiday was great!

Back at school
And now we are back at school – almost like we never left! Expect we did. A few changes here and there. The construction that was going last year, for example, is finally done. The cafeteria and ground floor in the main building got a beautiful makeover.

Some friends completed their studies and moved on. New students came in and we had a great two weeks of Inslussningen (introduction weeks). Yes, some things have changed, but a lot remains the same. All in all, starting off the new academic year is significantly smoother this year. No more getting lost in the hallways trying to find the lecture room. No more figuring out the transportation system or getting confused by the weather.

Yes! We are indeed back at school, and thus begins the final year of my masters programme, and boy, it does seem like we are in for quite a ride! Let’s see how it goes.
Whether you just started your studies in Sweden, or have been studying here for a while, or maybe you are looking forward to soon, let’s rock on!
Till next time, hej då!