Written by Brooke
31 May 2022
Sweden has many amazing cities and towns to offer whether you like a big city environment or being out in nature. While there are many places to travel in Sweden during your stay here as a student, there is also the possibility to travel to the many beautiful surrounding countries near Sweden. In fact, you should expand your horizons and travel (if you can) outside Sweden too. But why? This blog post will tell you!
Traveling Allows You To Expand Your Mind and Experience New Experiences
One of the many benefits of traveling is to experience new things – cultures, people, languages, food, environments, and more. By immersing yourself in these new experiences, you can and most likely will learn new skills and even more about yourself.

Traveling Allows You To See Other Parts of the World That Even Sweden Cannot Offer
While Sweden is an incredible place to live and study with many benefits to it, it is not a perfect place with absolutely everything. This is why it is great to travel as you can see and experience other places that offer different things than Sweden. This could include cultures, languages, lifestyles, attitudes, and food.

Traveling Can Actually Be Student Friendly!
While it is quite common for travel to be expensive in my home country of the United States, this is not the case in many countries throughout Europe. When I went to Italy I was shocked at how much cheaper it was to eat, drink, and experience the country without having a lot of money. Seeing this I was encouraged and inspired to pursue more traveling as it can be quite affordable if you plan and budget.

What Traveling Has Done For Me
Except for moving to Sweden, I have not traveled much in my lifetime and since moving to Sweden I have had the opportunity to do it more. Traveling has been an amazing experience for me as I have been introduced to beautiful cities and towns, people, food, and cultures. This is in turn has opened my mind and my heart to different ways of life and thinking.