Written by Camilo
07 Jul 2021
It is the end of a great trip, in August 2019 I returned to Sweden with a new goal. Today that time was short, the trip is over, but It exceeded my expectations.
In this blog I want to share with you my last months in Sweden and some tips on what to do before leaving Sweden
Due to Covid 2019, the last semester was completely online. This led to the fact that the ceremonies that had to be in person have to be online. This was very sad at first, however, given the situation it was important for us to collaborate and be patient as well. Even so, I was very surprised by the great preparation of the University and the Swedish Institute to be able to make the online ceremony a memorable event. On the other hand, within the group of local fellows, many boards did parallel ceremonies and delivery of certificates in person.

Global Swede 2021
Something phenomenal that happened to me in this last stage in Sweden was having been chosen as a representative of the University of Gothenburg as Global Swede 2021 =).
It was very gratifying and encouraging news for my professional career.
The Global Swede award is given to students who excel in leadership, entrepreneurship, networking as well as being a good student ambassador from both the country of origin and Sweden.
Normally the ceremony is very solemn in Stockholm, but given the Covid it was online for the second time.
Even so I was very surprised by the repercussion in my country. I was interviewed by radio and television for the award, and although the ceremony was online, I was invited by the Swedish ambassador of Bolivia to see the ceremony together. During the Ceremony he gave me the certificate among other gifts.
Being Global Swede 2021 is the best gift I can take from Sweden

Digital Ambassador
Being a Digital Ambassador was the most pleasant experience of all my experience in Sweden. Thanks to this role, I was able to help many future students and get to know Sweden in more depth.
Words would not be enough for me to thank and tell how pleasant this role is. In June it was our graduation as digital ambassadors and of all the online ceremonies, this was the most emotional almost all of us cried. We were definitely a very close and organic group.
My experience in Sweden was definitely enhanced by being a digital ambassador.
So if you have the opportunity, don’t forget to apply.

Leaving friends
I am satisfied with everything I have achieved in Sweden during these two years. And one of the greatest achievements beyond academics is having met friends who accompanied me during this trip.
Making friends is very essential during your stay in Sweden, they make the experience multiply by a lot.
In my case I am grateful to my friend and supervisor Edme who helped me a lot since I arrived in Sweden, also with my landlord Hans who was a great friend and supporter the first year, he taught me to ride a bicycle
Within the group of SI fellows I had my Latino friends who I will never forget with them we were able to live together the experience of living in Europe far from our families.
And finally my classmates, who gave me a warm friendship these two years, parties and trips were not lacking, as well as help in times of Covid.
Thanks my friends!!!

Tips before Leaving Sweden
Beyond the emotional, it is important to arrange some stuffs before returning to your country.
1 Email Skatteverket: Do not forget to notify that you are leaving Sweden, if you only plan to leave it for one or two years you can register a special address. If you do not plan to return at the moment, you have to fill out a form and send it by regular post. The process is simple but very important to do it
2: Bank account: If you still have money, ask your bank how to withdraw everything in cash or you can also activate your card internationally. Therefore you will be able to use it until your money runs out. In Sweden the process of closing your account can be online so you will have no problem.
3: Cancel the rental contract on time: Many times the rent is paid in advance, so it is good to notify your agency or landlord of the date you plan to leave Sweden. Therefore, you will avoid paying extras and recovering your deposit.
4: Important documents: After two years you may have some pending that you forget. Do not forget to leave copies of documents with a friend in Sweden. He or she can help you if necessary.

Back in Bolivia
Finally I would like to share photos that I took with my family when I returned to Bolivia. As I mentioned, all the ceremonies were online, however in Bolivia I was able to have a dinner with my family in order to celebrate my achievements. Definitely having dinner with my family after so long made the evening special.
Without more to say I want to say goodbye to all of you who read me at this time, I hope my tips have served you.