Written by Camilo
10 Feb 2020
The time has come! The application period for the Swedish Institute Scholarships is open. In this short blog I will show a little about the platform and also give you some tips to make it perfectly.
If you were following my previous blogs, I did one about applying in University Admissions and other about motivation letter for SI:
- Study in Sweden for beginners: Guide to apply in “universityadmissions.se”
- Writing motivation letter: Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals 2020
First of all! Remember that this year is going to be only one application, It doesn’t matter how many programmes you have applied in University Admissions. So, It makes the application even easier!
Where to apply?
It is tricky to find the link sometimes especially if you’re desperate to see the platform (like I was last year). But no more words here is the link to the Swedish Institute Scholarship application. ↗️

If you applied other years you will find the place familiar. If you are totally new or want to use a different mail you can now create a new user. For that you need to press in “New user button in the right part where it says LINKS.

Create a new user is very easy you only need to register all the information they asked (as you see in the screenshot). My suggestion use a mail that you use always, and also take notes of your user name and password. You can ask for a new password if you forget it, but i believe is better be organized and have that information saved in someplace. After filling all the information you need to press “Create user”. Immediately you will receive a mail like this :

The application
To apply for the SI Scholarship you need to choose “New application” situated in the left part of the portal. Then you will have the application options:

You will three options, as the other blogs I will focus on SISGP so you need to choose the second option: SI Scholarships for Global Professionals; SI Scholarships for South Africa – for master’s level studies in Sweden. ↗️
Once you are there you will notice the application have 11 steps, you need to fill all of them carefully. The steps are:

Please read the instructions at least twice!, Sometime we feel so nervous that we don’t realize that most of our questions are in the first step.

Even though, I would like to make your remember the buttons we have in the application portal once your are there:

Please use first the button SAVE while your are filling the application, Don’t press SUBMIT until you are sure that you finish the application. However, Also don’t forget to submit it, can hear weird but I read that some people forgot to press submit.
What has changed in 2020?
Well, I read all the steps there are pretty clear, what I can suggest to you is be careful in the step 3. Because as you will need to fill all the information of your programmes here. So for that you need to remember your application in University Admissions.

I also suggest you that in the step 10 you can check carefully all your attachments, be sure they are the correct ones, and before submit always double check that.
Finishing Application
I cannot make a step by step guide because I cannot invent an entire application, however in the last step check carefully also the deadlines, and I know after pressing Submit is gonna be the more painful two months of your life!

Important to notice that after submit your application you will also receive a mail confirming SI received it.

The image is only a reference this year can be different, but I am sure they will also give you a reference number!. My suggestion is to save that mail as favorites or important.
More Questions? Always you can find answers in the FAQ of Swedish Institute webpage
Extra tips
- I know is annoying but please double check everything before submit it.
- Don’t wait until the last days!! I strongly advise you this, please try to apply a soon as possible , because most of the people apply late and the system can collapse or you don’t know what can happen. I usually choose two dates, if something happen in the first , for sure I will do the second.
- Try to find activities after the application. Believe me is really hard to wait months to know the answer. If you are not working or have a lot of free time, please try to forget about the application at least until april.
- Don’t think negative! Be positive. that means that even if you don’t succeed. Don’t give up I have a friend that got the scholarship in the third application
If you want to know more about Recently Scholarship Holders Experiences you can read these blogs:
- Why did I choose Sweden?: Latin Students in Sweden
- Swedish Institute Scholarships Application: A hearty conversation between 2 current scholarship holders
With this blog I closed my blog series for applicants to SI scholarships. Were the blogs useful for you? Leave your comments please.
However, I have more blogs and I will be writing more about life in Sweden. Stay tuned!