Written by Supritha
07 Apr 2018
The first round of results for the Autumn semester of 2018 came out a few days ago! Congrats to everyone admitted to come study in Sweden!
If you’re admitted to come study in Sweden, or if you’re planning to come study here in the future, there will be a lot of questions in your mind at this stage! Based on my experience of moving to Sweden, and the questions I get through emails and comments, I’ve compiled a set of FAQ’s (and answers) related to studying in Sweden!

There are many ways to find accommodation as a Master student. From university accomodation, to SSSB (housing queue for students), to renting from a home owner, sharing etc.
Here are some links that will help you get a clearer picture of how to get accommodation in Sweden, what types of accommodation is available in different cities etc.
Accommodation- General Information
Student Accommodation in Stockholm
Student Accommodation in Gothenburg 2018
Student Accommodation in Gothenburg- a detailed review
Student accommodation in Malmo
Pros and Cons of different Accommodations
“I am from _____ country. I want to know what it is like for a student from my country to study in Sweden”

It is very natural to wonder what a fellow student from your country feels like living in Sweden. We have digital ambassadors from different countries from all over the world, studying in Sweden. If you have specific queries you can email us and we’d love to help you out!
Click here to see more about our Digital Ambassadors
“I want to know how to apply for visa, insurance etc”

Naturally, after the application process, the most important process is applying for a Residence permit, and other formalities.
You can read about visas and migration here
You can read about medical care and Health insurance here
“What to buy, bring and pack when I move to Sweden”?

When you decide to move to another country, there will be a bit of a confusion about what to bring, what to pack and what to buy. Here are some links that will help you in deciding what to bring!
Winter clothing guide- female edition
“How are the student communities in Universities and do we have guidance for new international students?”

Each University has it’s own student board, with activities and guidance for students! It gives you a sense of community in a new city, a new country. It is also a great way to meet new people and make great connections!
Each University also has a International office and will be able to help out with your queries. When you arrive, most universities have arrival day services which will help you settle in your new city!
You can check out University websites for more information!

Food is a part of everyone culture and identity. And when we move away from home, we’d like to take certain parts of it, especially food. Being a vegetarian, vegan, or having a certain dietary restriction, or just a love for your home country’s food, what ever it is, Sweden caters to most dietary needs and it is relatively easy to find food based on different requirements.
Here are some links related to food in Sweden
Different types of food in Stockholm
Different types of food in Gothenburg
I hope this post clears some of your questions and brings you one step closer to getting ready to come study in Sweden! Here are some other FAQ’s and answered!
Have any more questions? Let us know in the comments below!
/For now, your Swe-Desi Seafarer signing off 🙂