Written by Francesco
31 May 2017
As I’m writing these lines, you should build a picture of myself like smiling and being exhausted in the same time, stressed out but really really happy for everything that’s been happening since the very beginning of my first Swedish academic year… well yeah, by the way: as I’m writing these lines, I can say and declare that we, as first year students of the Master in Communication at the University of Gothenburg, have officially finished our classes today!! (For those of you that will read this post later, well, our last steps left the department on Wednesday 31/05!)
That’s insane how time flew so quick in the past months, and that we have accomplished so many assignments and papers and home exams and written exams… and now it’s over! At least for the first year, as I was rightly pointing out few lines above. A new year is awaiting for us all, but first… summer is coming!
Anyway, let’s go back being serious for a bit. I think you would appreciate that. Or maybe you would just enjoy my crazy flow of words after the very last minutes of the very last class!
Over the course of my experience as a Digital ambassador, I had the chance to express myself about my studies, trying to share my thoughts and insights and, who knows, maybe triggering in you a sort of interest for my Master Programme. Well, at this point, I wonder: why don’t ask some of my classmates about their opinions on our academic path? If they did like it or not, pros and cons, what it means to experience an intercultural environment… It would be really interesting for me to know that, as well as for you readers, I guess: a good way to have more takes on our Master, and also a good way to get to know a bit my lovely friends.
So, here we are… below you could find their words&thoughts! Hope you can enjoy them, and that can inspire you somehow.
Rachel (UK) – “Pros: international classmates – real life experience in Intercultural communication plus some great holiday destinations when we all get to visit each other!“
Charoula (Greece) – “International environment and classmates, gain experience, diversity and different backgrounds; it gives you different perspectives and open your horizons, opportunities for a career, and you can meet many different people and make friends!“
Clara (USA) – “I would agree with Rachel and Charoula. Though the program has a focus on intercultural communication, you learn much more outside the classroom. As for me, it’s been both fun and challenging to be the only American in the program.”
Patrycja (Poland) – “To me this Master Programme was one of the best things which happened to me in Sweden so far. Opportunity to meet all the international people from our group was definitely best! The way of studying and simply being a student differs a lot from my country. Students in Sweden can openly discuss their ideas and share their opinions with professors. Also have a lot of freedom! Minus is also that I miss my family, friends and my city!”
Carolina (Brazil) – “Even having studied communication before, here I could get new insights on the field of interpersonal communication and intercultural interactions. As Charoula said, I feel that I could expand my horizon. To study with people from different backgrounds is also great. We can learn from each other, from our different experiences and perspectives. Where else would I get this chance? Of course, sometimes it is challenging, since we need to adapt! I feel that I am constantly learning and growing as a person. Also, I’d say that I’ve met people with big hearts. I hope I can keep contact with them even after school. The difficult part is that I miss my family and friends from Brazil! Looking forward to the second year!“
Klas (Sweden) – “Pros are that it is an international class and we study intercultural communication, so we get practical experience from that field as well as theoretical. I would say about half of the programme content has been good and half has been substandard. There are some areas of the programme that need better organization and higher workload/workpace.”
Susanna Zhen (China) – “It’s really fun to meet people from all over world, especially make new friends!”
Tomás (Spain) – “Studying in this Programme gave us the chance to live in a multicultural environment, thus appreciating differences and experiencing genuine debates on diverse perspectives on cultures. From my side, I would say that a sort of sensitivity could be perceived, overall speaking, especially when referring to others’ cultures; a sensitivity that could embrace the talks and discussions while being respectful with everyone.”
And what about you? Are you going to be the first year Master in Communication students the next semester?? Let us know!
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