Valborg With Friends!


Written by Mohamed

03 May 2015

Now that spring is finally here, trust in Sweden to throw the biggest changing of seasons festival around- Valborg. Taking place every the 30th of April, Valborg celebrates everything spring (and in other parts of Europe, witches!). Its celebration in Sweden dates back to the 18th century and features bonfires, waterside excursions in rickety rafts and copious alcohol consumption.

Naturally wanting in on these amazing festivities, I met up with friends and went to one of the bigger festivals in town: The Skansen Valborg festival. As usual, Sweden did not disappoint:


With its spires and towers, the Stockholm Skyline is bested by few others that I’ve ever seen.


Hot! Hot! Hot!


A heavenly chorus, some upbeat violin, and an enthusiastic lead singer? Sign me up!


Look at those winning smiles!

Time well spent, if I do say so myself- I’d love to do Valborg again next year in Uppsala, where Francesca tells that things were even wilder!


Written by Mohamed

03 May 2015