Written by Redwan
20 Jan 2015
Well snowy mornings can be a bit slow to start with. After all, who wants to get up that early in a cloudy, cold weather and go to class? I know that and do agree with you. Been that, see and done that!
So you are new to Växjö? So its winter here and you can expect long hours of drizzle and snow, sometimes both of them together too! You must have got a class and are lazy to start your day. It’s nothing new though. I came to Sweden by the end of summers but I have definitely some advises as to share with all the newcomers at Linnaeus University, commencing studies in January. Here’s what you do to have a good start to your day –
* After you freshen up in the morning, perform some free hand warm up exercises. A good way to flex your muscles and have the fresh air sink in.
* To help fight your laziness better, prepare some light snacks and get that protein count up! A healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to success, as many say!
* What could be a better way than to start your classes with a FIKA? While you take a slow stroll to your department building, drop by Pressbyrån and get a student-priced coffee with a kanelbulle. Very convenient and cheap and would help you stay focused during class.
* If you don’t walk, just cycle to your class location. However, be careful that heavy snow does make the roads a bit risky so take the sides that have low ice.
* And oh, don’t forget to grab a snow boot. Normal shoes will slip a lot in snow and may end up hurting you. So you need a shoe that can grip well in ice. Surely, you don’t wish to end up in clinic right after you come to Sweden!
That should be it – short and precise. Have a good time in class and talk to some new people. Get friendly with the professors as they are very helpful and cordial too. I can guarantee can you will have an amazing start to your studies here. Lycka till!