Work & internships
We’re home to IKEA, Oatly & Spotify. And we have more unicorns than anywhere else in the world after Silicon Valley. So where better to kick-start your career than Sweden? 🙌🏽
It’s hard to find a part-time job – but not impossible.
Can I work alongside my studies? 🤔 We know this is an important question for many of you. Especially since the cost of living in Sweden is, well, kinda high. But, erm, you might not like our answer. It’s not easy to find a part-time job here. And let’s be honest – it’s pretty unlikely you’ll earn enough to cover all your expenses with one either.
Your studies are your top priority.
You can technically work as much as you like if you do find a part-time job. 👍 We don’t have any restrictions on that, not like other countries. But remember. You’re moving to Sweden to study. And going to class, working on assignments, passing your courses – that’ll be your focus.

An internship isn’t just about the work. It’s also about you. And about learning how you can become better in what you do.
Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs/
Do an internship and get a taste of what Swedish working culture is like.
Maybe you’ll have an internship as part of your degree. Or maybe you want to build your network in Sweden, get some proper real-world work experience, or practice the skills and theories you’ve picked up in the classroom.
So what to expect? You won’t be getting the coffees, that’s for sure. ☕
We promise. You’ll be doing real, meaningful work right from the start. And the best part? You’ll be trusted to manage your own time. No one standing behind you, breathing down your back, checking that you’ve got this or that done. Nope, that’s not how we roll.
Work your butt off, bring new ideas, take every opportunity that comes along. 👏🏾
You never know, go the extra mile and you might land that job offer by the time you’re done. And even if you don’t, you’ll have learnt something. Worked on some cool projects. And met people in the industry you want to work in. And that really is invaluable. ✨
- Start early ⏰ – some companies recruit interns a year in advance
- Create a killer CV
- Update your LinkedIn profile 💻
- Contact your university’s career centre
- Email companies directly 📧
- Network, network, network
- AIESEC ↗️ organises internship placements in Sweden. Visit your home country’s AIESEC site to learn about the application process.
- IAESTE ↗️ arranges internships in engineering, natural sciences and other technical fields. Contact your home country’s local IAESTE committee for more info.
- Are you a Law student or young lawyer? You can take part in trainee exchanges organised by the European Law Students Association, ELSA. ↗️
- Are you a medical student? You should check out the trainee exchanges organised by IFMSA, the International Federation of Medical Students Associations. ↗️
“There are tons of opportunities in Sweden for vibrant young people who love challenges.”

“I’m a product designer and I’ve always loved Scandinavian design. I chose to study in Sweden to learn how designers work and create here” – Bowen, Linnaeus University.
Photo: Oskar Omne
Launch your career in Sweden…
So you fell in love with Sweden (or a Swede!) during your studies. Why not stay?
You can apply to extend your residence permit ↗️ for an extra 12 months to find a job. Maybe you want to strike out on your own and start a company that let’s you call the shots? Sure, that’s possible too.
…where unicorns are real.
Fairy tale unicorns? 🦄 Unfortunately not, but rather multi-billion dollar tech companies. Our capital Stockholm produces the most unicorns per capita after Silicon Valley. These could be your next employer – and unlike other countries, you won’t need to sleep at the office. Because in Sweden, work-life balance means something.
- Check out working in Sweden ↗️ for info about finding a job or starting a company in Sweden
- Start your job search early 🔎
- Learn Swedish
- Contact companies directly 📧
- Reach out to your network ↗️