Written by Anita
03 Aug 2018
The Gothenburg archipelago consists of the north and south archipelagos and has approximately 21 islands and summertime is perfect to go exploring your city.
moreGothenburg Archipelago
Most of these islands are accessible by either ferry or car. If you’re in the mood for a hike the southern archipelagos are perfect for you as they are car free. You can access the islands on the southern archipelago by ferry from Stenipren and Salthomen. Visit västtrafik for more information.

The northern archipelago can be accessed by a car ferry from Varholmen at Hisingen.
What to do
If you have a day free, head out to an island of your choice and hike, swim or even BBQ. However, please note currently open fires are not permitted due to the rise in wildfires.

Allemansrätten (freedom to roam) is the general public’s right to access certain public or privately owned land for recreation and exercise. Under this you are able to hike and even camp on the islands.

Take Away
The Gothenburg Archipelago hosts an array of different islands which you can visit to do all sorts of activities. Whether you want to go on a day trip to explore or camp overnight the islands are a must do! Read Elke’s post on a trip to the Archipelago of Stockholm here.
Don’t forget to be sun safe!
From Sweden with Love