Written by Sania
23 Jul 2018
Can you tell that I had just watch Mamma Mia 2 and have that ABBA fever? Also, I would like to blame Emma’s podcast ‘Sweden and ABBA‘ for it. While I have ‘Our Last Summer’ by ABBA playing in my head, I want to share the memories that I had with my fellow digital ambassadors and friends when we spent some days together in Stockholm.
moreSadly, I cannot fit these pictures with the song’s lyrics because we were not in Paris as the song depicts. Everyone knows that ABBA is a legendary pop music group from Sweden so it is very much acceptable to relate their songs with the summer that I had in Stockholm last June.

Although not all of the digital ambassadors were able to come to this meetup, which was unfortunate, but we tried our best to enjoy our last summer together as most of us were graduating. I think we were still in school-mood as you can see in the picture above that we took the ‘fun’ quiz seriously.

Came the next day and the mood relaxed. We played out in nature with the sun shining and the cool breeze blew from the Baltic Sea. It felt really nice to packed lighter clothes for the trip. Winter was fun except for all the gears to keep you warm.

Sunglasses, shirts, shorts and dresses are the dress code for the summer. It is not a must but you would understand why it is advisable. Can you tell who won the game above?

Stockholm offers old beautiful buildings, water, friends and hidden comic book store. Anita bought a copy of Archie comics, in Swedish, here in the store below. A must see visit if you grew up reading comics!

How else should you end a fun trip with your friends but have a dinner and drinks together? This picture was taken around 7 or 8 PM and the sun was not set yet. The sunshine is what I love and hate the most about summer. You would understand why when it is midnight and the sun is not even set yet.

With July almost going to an end soon, I remind myself that the autumn is right around the corner, which means that a new semester will starts and my thesis presentation will happen. Now, I need to get back to writing. Before that, tell me how do you spend your summer in the comment below!