Written by Supritha
14 Feb 2018
A few months ago, I got a mail from Future Leaders Global, telling me I had been chosen for taking part in the Leadership training program, and I was super thrilled! And recently, I went to the first meeting in Stockholm and here is my experience so far!
The Program
The program revolves around training young adults in self leadership, leadership and management, especially for those involved in the sustainability field. It is a three tired program, with 8 stages. The main categories in which we get trained are self leadership, leadership and creating sustainable impact. The program lasts for a semester, and I am doing it alongside my Master thesis. The program happens in Oslo, Bergen, Copenhagen, and now this year, it has started in Stockholm and will be opening up in Barcelona as well!

My First FLG Meeting Experience
The first meeting of 2018 was held on 10th and 11th February, in the Stockholm Castle. And, I was blown away by the first module of the program which focused on Self Leadership.
We were divided into groups, and the group was lead by young people who either have their own companies in the sustainable field, or were a part of a company like YSI ( Young Sustainable Impact). It was overwhelming to learn about people’s journeys, their passions and how they made things happen.
We also had a lecture from Anja Melander, Founder of Tankeapoteket and the Head of Culture at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. It was a great weekend, being surrounded by inspiring young people who aspire to make a positive difference in the world. I am looking forward to the next few months with Future Leaders.

Take Away
It feels good to be a part of an international training program like this, which will not only give me a boost to my skill set, but also help me establish contacts, and maybe help me in my professional journey.
It is important to actively look out for different programs that could help you take a step forward in a positive direction to helping your career and passions. Sweden generally, but especially, Stockholm is an amazing place for innovation, entrepreneurship, and if you are in the sustainability field, and would like to make a difference, then Future Leader Global is one such platform that can help you out.
If you’re interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, Read more about startup journey in Sweden, and about Social Innovation as well!
/For now,
Your Swe-Desi Seafarer signing off 🙂