Written by Supritha
04 Jan 2018
2018 is upon us and here are some of the events, special dates and festivals to look forward to in Sweden!
Time for the snow to melt, the flowers to bloom, and enjoy the longer hours of day time 😀
March 20th – Spring start date!
March 25th- Daylight Savings starts! Yaay for extended hours of daylight and sunshine!

There are a lot of concerts that happen in Sweden, especially in the summer time! Here are some of the concerts that are happening this year!
Feb 15th – Lady Gaga
June 1st – Iron Maiden (woohoo!!)
June 10th- Katy Perry
July 14th – Ed Sheeran
For other concerts in Stockholm that might interest you, click here 😀

What better way to enjoy your time in Sweden, than celebrate the Swedish festivals and events! It gives you the complete Scandinavian and Swedish experience when you indulge and take part in the festivities and cultural niches!
April 14-15: Stockholm liquorice festival. Love liquorice? Sweden has a festival dedicated for it!! 😀
April 20th- Valborg – The midsummer celebration which has bonfires and dancing 😀
June 5–10: Smaka på Stockholm (“Taste of Stockholm,” outdoor food vendors). A fun food festival in the summer!
June 6: National Day (parades, some closures)
June 13: Archipelago Boat Day, Stockholm (steamboat parade)
June 23–24: Midsummer’s Eve and Midsummer’s Day (Midsommarafton and Midsommardagen; traditional dancing, feasts)

March 5-11: Seven days of documentaries screening from all over the world!
May 5th: Iconfest – Europe’s first influencer festival. It is a place where Influencers, artists, and gamers gather under one roof for the signings, meetings, interviews, and performances. I am personally looking forward for this one 😀
June 26th – Europride 2018
For the first time, Gothenburg and Stockholm share the honour of hosting Europride together 😀
November 7th – 11th— Stockholm International Film Festival
What events will you like to attend? Let me know in the comments section!