How to spend your summer in Sweden


Written by Justine

03 Jul 2017

The most beautiful time of the year in Sweden has arrived! We have all finally experienced the beautiful sunny days, swimming or kayaking at the lake, and making trips to new places in the sunshine. If you are moving to Sweden this fall for your studies you might deliberate when to come to Sweden. Since classes usually don’t start until late August or early September, this blog post is supposed to be a little guide for you on what you can do and how you can spend your summer in Sweden.

City Trip

One way to start your experience is of course to discover one of Sweden’s bigger cities. If you are moving to one of Sweden’s smaller student cities, you will surely want to visit them sooner or later, so why not with this beautiful weather? The most obvious destination is of course Stockholm, but Gothenburg is another large city in Sweden which is definitely worth a visit. I have visited both cities and really really liked them! If you want to get an idea on what to do in Stockholm during a weekend click here, for tips on what to do in Gothenburg on a budged read Anita’s blog post, who is a local in beautiful Gotheburg by now.

Road Trip

If you want to visit several places it might be a good idea to rent a car and do a little road trip. For that you can plan any route you want, up the East or West coast or even straight across the country. On the way you can check little cities and towns, or camp out in the nature and by the lakes. Ivanna has recently done a roadtrip up the West coast. Maybe her blogpost can give you some useful tips or serve as a first inspiration for your own trip. And by the way, if you plan to camp in Sweden you should know about this amazing thing called Allemansrätten which literally means “everyone’s right”. This means you can freely move around in the Swedish nature and even camp anywhere as long as you are respectful, do not destroy anything, and clean up after yourself.

Personalize your trip

I guess planning a summer trip in Sweden really depends on what you like. Do you want to check the cool and hip scene in Gotheburg and Stockholm or spend time in the nature? Are you planning to see as many small cities as possible or spend a longer time somewhere else? Even without a car you can get around quite easily by train or by bus. As we are all from different places in Sweden you can really get a big overview over almost any place in thus beautiful country from our blog posts, just take the time and browse through this website a bit 🙂

My personal favorite place to visit besides Stockholm and Gothenburg are the small towns Lund and Gränna. While Lund is a popular and super cute student city close to Malmö and Copenhagen, Gränna is a really small town right by the second biggest lake in Sweden. It offers the perfect place to do hiking trips, go swimming, and discover a very typical and lovely Swedish town. Supritha has written a great post about our blogger meeting in Gränna and Omberg where we all fell in love. Check it out!

I hope you could find some inspiration on how to spend your summer in Sweden in this post!

I wish you lots of fun and all the best for your time in Sweden, and a wonderful, sunny beginning 🙂


Pictures from Imagebank Sweden


Written by Justine

03 Jul 2017