Written by Supritha
02 Jun 2017
After writing 2 exams for 8 hours straight in one day, and after getting a lot of questions about the structure of studying and exams in Sweden, I’m going to dedicate this blogpost to discuss that topic. The study structure is such that each semester is divided into 2 periods. Some subjects require labs, individual assignments, group works, projects and of course, examinations. Some courses have exams, some don’t. But on a whole, most subjects do have final examinations.
There are many different types of examinations.
I’ve finished all my exams for the 1st year of my Master’s programme and I’m looking forward to the summer break! 😀
In my next post, I’ll give you a recap of my first year in Sweden 😀
-For now, your Swe-Desi Seafarer signing off! 🙂