Written by Andaç Baran
26 May 2017
It has been a lot not writing a blog post to share what essential steps you may want to follow once you arrive to Sweden to study. Since this blog aims to help you by accompanying your application process for Swedish universities as well as guiding you throughout pre-departure for your studies, I thought you may need a toolkit or a checklist to be sure you will adapt very well once you are here.
1.Do not lose time to meet other students and flatmates
If you are a new guy in the town, it is, of course, expected that the first thing you’ll have to do, obviously, is show up and talk to people. Sweden is full of cheerful and talkative people however you need to search for a while The key is to find those great conversations and let the interest come naturally without having to force it. To do that though, you’re going to have to break out of your comfort zone for a while.

2. Know where you live
Upon first arriving, it’s probably a smart idea to pay attention to where you are at all times. This means staying attentive to street names and signs, and even landmarks to help you better understand where you are. If you are coming to big cities, Keep an eye out for public transportation. Learn the bus lines and train lines. Walk around the neighborhood you’re living in and scout out restaurants that look good, grocery stores, coffee shops, boutiques and whatever else the area has to offer.

3.Get your Utilities Set Up
Once you enter your room, make sure all your services are up and running. The Cost of all of student housing alternatives, at least in Uppsala, cover electricity, water and heating, however you may need to contact with a broadband internet provider to have an internet connection. Some dorms and flats also provide the connection, yet for some, you personally need to initiate a process to have a connection. Secondly, you need to activate your mobile card –probably your university will provide you a sim card. This is comparably easy process and you can do it online.

4.Make Sure You’re Getting Your Mail
Another thing you should not miss is checking your address records to be sure you will receive your mails. In Sweden, the post service is something you should really rely on, that’s why keep your eyes open and be sure you are registered at the correct address. If you are not, you may contact with Skatteverket.se to arrange a meeting and fix the issue.

5.Keep Up Your Hobbies
Once one moves into a new city or a country, he/she shows a tendency to stop doing her hobby or at least give a break for a while. DON’T. A great way to find people with similar interests to you is to get out and get active with your favorite hobbies, even if they’re ones you haven’t visited in awhile. If you like electronic music, there’s bound to be a group dedicated to that culture. If you are or used to be a gamer, find your local gaming shop and drop in. Rarely are you the only one with your interests in a given town, and if you can’t find anyone, join Facebook groups and make them come to you.