Written by Marina
25 May 2017
Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for all the love with the Easter post! I loved that you guys loved it! haha
I come here today very nostalgic. Some of you already know from Snapchat (yes, add us: StudyInSweden) that I’m almost finished with my master. In other words, my time in Sweden is almost over – at least as a student. So here I will share with you my favorite moments in this two years of Sweden or at least a few of them! Over the past 22 months that I lived in Sweden, I collected some videos of very important moments while living here. So I made a whole video full of those moments for you!
Now you can get a taste of the things you get to see and experience while studying in Sweden and I garantee that after watching this, you will be more excited to come to this amazing place!
Don’t forget to like the video if you did! And also, why not share with your friends? Or maybe with your family? This way they can see why you HAVE to study in Sweden! 😉