Written by Anita
16 Jan 2017
Today marks the last day to submit your choices for the 1st admission round for Bachelor and Master applications for Autumn 2017. Therefore, I decided to quick write 5 Sweden application tips to give you a much needed pat on the shoulder to tell you that your almost through with the first step to coming to Study in Sweden.

As a Swedish Institute Scholarship holder for 2016/17, I believe it’s part of the process of paving it forward to help as many people make their application process easier. This time last year was manic for me between running around getting all my documents together and also deciding whether the 4 choices I had made were the right ones for me as well as submitting my application for the SI Study Scholarship.
1. Get organized
Use one notebook to keep track of all your passwords from University admissions and the SI Scholarships (if you are applying for these). Also I suggest storing all your needed documents in one folder on your computer. Label these folders according to use. i.e. application step 1, application for scholarship step 1. Also label according to content i.e. ID documents, Transcripts, Degree certificates, Motivational letters e.t.c. This really helps keep track of all the documents that you need for your application.

2. Keep an eye on deadlines
During this process you will come across a number of deadlines. Examples: 16th January 24:00 GMT is the deadline to submit your application for the First admission round autumn 2017 for bachelors and masters. However, you should note that the deadline for submitting your supporting documentation and paying the application fee is 1st February 2017.

3. Scholarship information
If you are thinking about applying for a scholarship, a good place to start is the Study in Sweden Scholarship page. It breaks down information on the Swedish Institute Scholarships, University Scholarships, Scholarship competitions and other general Scholarships.

4. Keep an eye on details
This tip I cannot stress enough. The application process to Study in Sweden might seem daunting at first, but if you pay attention to all the small pieces of information it will make your life much simpler. Remember to check specific entry requirements for your country, for you course of choice and also sometimes for your faculty of choice. Some require various documentation i.e. some applicants cannot submit documents directly but they must first be sent from their universities directly to universityadmissions. Other examples include motivational letters or CV’s and work samples for various courses.

5. Use your time wisely
The period between the 16th of January and the 1st of February should be used to collate all your documents and pay your application fee. A piece of advice I can give is that (if possible) pay via credit/debit card. The first time I applied I used EFT and missed out one number. Let’s just say that I missed the application that year and I was devastated. Also, make sure all your documents are in pdf. This makes collation much easier as well as formatting for both you and the universityadmissions staff.

Extra tip: Take a break and be easy on yourself. You still have some time from today until you get your admission results. So find something to take your mind of and celebrate each time you continue to the next step.
All the Best and See you in Autumn! Check out another post on applications!
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From Sweden with Love