Written by Sania
27 Dec 2016

Everyone is either traveling for home or elsewhere to spend their Christmas. It is just how they roll, a nice tradition, but it does not mean that you have to do it. Look at me, the exhaustion from moving three times this year makes me want to stay at home and do nothing – well, not really. Since Christmas brings happiness and happiness are meant to be shared, so, I invited my friends for a Christmas lunch because dinner is too mainstream. As you know, roasted stuff is a must for this season and that is how we decided to make sate lilit (with the recipe from my true Balinese cousin) – GOOD STUFF.

Separated by 10549 km from home, in a cold dark winter, can make someone get the blues. Traveling to the southern hemisphere in search for sunlight is the (not so) easy way out. For the adventurous, going up north is the answer. For me, the answer in coping up with the winter blues is to make a nice doodle out of my experience and share it with fellow friends in the same boat.

Doodling feels like reconnecting with an old friend but this holiday I discovered a new side of myself – the cook. Ever since I moved here, cooking is more than just a thing that I do to survive but it is more like a hobby. Have you noticed how food save my life?

Happy holidays and be merry!

P.S. This week, I’m taking over Study in Sweden Snapchat account and you are welcome to see how a holiday well spent with good food and becoming a couch potato. Scan this code below or type our username studyinsweden in the search box of your Snapchat. Else, I’ll see you here next year in the next blog post then!