Written by Andaç Baran
25 Dec 2016
Science… We are all here to contribute to science as we study in Sweden. Whether we are a master student or a Ph.D. student, there is only one basis for our studying abroad. It is our primary goal to offer new information to mankind or to learn how to use effectively the knowledge that mankind previously produced. So far, what do you think scientists living in Sweden (Swedish or world citizens) have contributed to science? The answer is very clear: they have made enormous contributions after countless scientific research and observation.
Undoubtedly they also succeeded in making us laugh with strange but scientifically proven observations as well. I have gathered five strange, interesting, and scientifically proven facts from the Swedish academic world. If you have such knowledge, you can share it as a comment.
- For men who eat chocolate once a week, the risk of a heart attack is lower.
A Swedish research group have studied 37,000 men between 49 and 75 years of age for 10 years. During the research, there were 2000 heart attack crises among the sample, but the chocolate eaters were more robust. The reason for this is that the flavanoid named substance in chocolate has lowered cholesterol and balances blood pressure.
Source: http://in.reuters.com/article/health-chocolate-stroke-idINL4E8JU0PP20120830
- Cheating is hormonal.
In 2008, Swedish scientists, who were bothered to do what they were doing, discovered that vasopressin is the hormone which causes cheating. The research was done in a lab observing the distinction between monogamous field mice and other “immoral mice”. They then looked at the RS3 334 gene on 552 people who found that if the hormone was missing or the double, it was more likely to deceive. The good news is you can make hormone supplements.
Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14641-monogamy-gene-found-in-people/
- Vitamin D deficiency causes suicide
According to the research done by Lund University and MSU, the lack of vitamin D in the research could lead to suicide attempts.
Source: http://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2014/low-vitamin-d-may-play-role-in-suicide-attempts/
- Those who are living closer to an airport are becoming paunchier.
According to a group of Swedish researchers, the famous researcher Charlotte Eriksson included, the sound is 5 decibels higher around airports; and people living close to an airport are 1.5 cm thicker. The main reason for this is the stress that the voice causes. The results of this experiment on 5,000 people living in Stockholm have also been published in Environmental Health Perspectives.
Source: http://sciencenordic.com/aircraft-noise-linked-larger-waistlines
- You may be dragging people into death when you break their hearths.
Yrsa Sverrisdottir and her team found ‘broken heart syndrome’ in their research focusing on people who have broken hearts between 2009 and 2011. They have proven that hearth muscles of sad people are getting tired of pumping blood and is causing many diseases including death.
Source: http://www.irishexaminer.com/viewpoints/analysis/a-love-come-to-grief-173897.html
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