Written by Marina
21 Dec 2016
Here you will find not only my favorite blog posts for this semester but also the ones that I find more useful for the basic information you need before coming to Sweden!
2016 is almost over and I’m feeling a little bit nostalgic already. This year was just incredible! And one of the amazing things that happenned was the arrival of our new Digital Ambassadors WOOHOO
With that in mind I thought about getting together my favorite (and extremely useful) blog posts of this semester so you know exactly what to read when knowing about Sweden, getting inspired or just waiting for your arrival! I hope you guys like this!
- I mean you need to be sure if you really want to do this, right? Sania helps you with a short quiz that will illuminate your thoughts and bring you straight to Sweden.
Quiz: Should you Study in Sweden?

- Another thing that may help you get inspired with the idea of studying in Sweden are quotes. Everyone loves quotes and need them once in a while. So thanks Andaç for providing us this post!
10 inspirational quotes which will motivate you to study in Sweden
- And just in case the Quiz and the quotes were not enough for you to decide, don’t you worry! Elke has some very convincing reasons to study in Sweden. I’m pretty sure you will come after reading this.
Why you should move to Sweden at least once in your life!

- I know that coming to a different country is scary and make some weird questions pop in your mind. But with this post by Supritha, you get the perspective of different international students in Sweden and all of that will be gone!
International Interview: Diversity in Sweden
- One of the crazy thoughts that will pop in your head is: what if I need to go to the hospital in Sweden? And Agnieszka wrote a brilliant and detailed post about that (especially if you’re thinking about coming just for a year)
Going to a doctor in Sweden without a personal number
- Now that you decided to come after these blog posts, you can read a bit of what Justine has to say about living in a small Swedish city. This way you can get the taste of what it will probably be when you come and study here 😉

- The thing is that coming to Sweden raises the chances of you living alone for the first time ever. That happened to me for example and when I read this post by Andrés I felt like I was finally understood!
Things none tells you about living alone

- And after you survive living alone and get your own rhythm on that, you will notice the outside and just fall in love with it! You should read this post by Anita and you will understand what I’m talking about.
- After a while here in Sweden you will understand all the peculiarities about the culture and traditions. But with this Podcast, Edite helps you understand how important coffee is for Swedes.
Podcast Episode 2: Sweden and Coffee
- Once in a while all the Ambassadors get together for a weekend of fun and collaboration! We get to know each other and to produce content together. If you want to know a little bit more about that, Ivanna has a great post about it! We generally don’t have blog posts about it so I love to read and remember the time we had.
A glimpse of the Digital Ambassadors taking over Gothenburg
- Since we are very close to Christmas and I’m feeling festive, I had to select this one from Francesco! Julmust is my daily beverage for this month of December and I just love that he wrote a blog post dedicated to this amazing drink!
Julmust try it! A typical Swedish Christmas drink

- Of course we had to finish my favorite blog posts with this! One magical thing that you have the chance to experience in Sweden is the Northern Lights! I’ve seen it and it is just out of this world! And of course we have a post about them and the author of this post is Leonilla. The pictures are just breathtaking <3
My favorite Northern Lights pictures