5 awesome reasons to be a Study in Sweden Digital Ambassador

Now that the new study year is starting, Study in Sweden has finally begun recruiting new digital ambassadors again. Now some people will have a few things in mind when reading the recruitment post. What do I get as a digital ambassador? Is it a paid job? Any other benefits? Since I have done this job for a year, I can tell you this much: It’s an awesome job and you definitely should apply for it! Here are five reasons why:


1. Cool team members from other cities and universities in Sweden

by Simon Paulin
by Simon Paulin, imagebank.sweden.se

You will be in a team full of diversity. Different nationalities, different universities in Sweden, and different study programs as well. This way you get tons of new stories to hear. New stuff to learn. New people to work with. For me it is always good to know what it’s like to live in other cities in Sweden and compare with Stockholm. Or hear the experience of a student in Umeå, which is located in the northern part of Sweden.

2. Great support and workshops

You will also be led by two very creative people from Swedish Institute. They make every activities more interesting and full of laugh. From silly games to challenging group projects, it will be entertaining. They will also organize workshops for us digital ambassadors so we can always improve our skills in writing, photography, movie making, and more. These workshops are all given by the expert in their respective specialty.

3. Unforgettable gatherings

Enjoying nature. Photo by Simon Paulin
Enjoying nature. Photo by Simon Paulin, imagebank.sweden.se

I actually should put this as the first reason because it is so much fun. The digital ambassadors have a gathering each season as a teambuilding activity. This includes workshops and cultural activities you will love. Last winter we watched an ice hockey game and rented a sauna house in Luleå. In spring we went to Gotland and did an amazing horseback riding activity. Not to mention a crazy historical game in Visby.

4. Get paid doing things you like

Chances are, you are applying because you like writing or at least creating content. People say that a good job is if you get paid doing something you like. This is one of those. Plus it will not take much time and focus out of your study. In fact, you are recommended to create study or student related content.

5. Access to cool events

If there is an event that considered “good material” for the prospective student, you may get free access to it. Of course you will also need to write and report about the event so people can read and benefit from it. But still, we are talking about international level conferences.

These five reasons are what I can think of. Definitely there will be more reasons you will feel once you are in the team. So go ahead and write your application. See you at the gathering!


Written by Satu

15 Aug 2016