Written by Marina
09 May 2016
Stockholm is quite known for it’s cherry blossoms that show up, generally, in the end of April or begining of May. But I wasn’t expecting to see those in Uppsala too! And a looooot of them. So of course I went crazy with my camera and decided to do a blog post sharing with you guys this beauty!
There is something about experiencing the crazy winter and then get to see everything blooming and coming to life, it really makes you appreciate more the green in the trees and the flowers. Since I always had that in Brazil, didn’t really paid much attention to it. Now, that this kind of color was nowhere to be find for almost four months, I couldn’t stop taking pictures of it.

The cherry blossoms are Japanese and are also known as Sakura. The flower has a major part in culture, art and history, having a lot of different meanings. One of them, because they bloom briefly (just for two weeks), they are seen as a metaphor for the instant beauty of living, the fact that life goes fast and that beauty is not forever. It is also the flower that Mulan’s father puts in her hair when she is feeling down (for the Disney maniacs out there).

I felt really happy that I didn’t go all the way (just 40 minutes) to Stockholm to see the cherry blossoms because they were all around me. Really sad that they are gone already, but they white ones just appeared! Also, we have so many flowers right now that my phone memory no longer exists with so many pictures of flowers haha
Hope you liked this post!