Written by Marina
27 Apr 2016
After being here in Sweden for almost nine months I realized that Brazil and Sweden are almost opposites on every single aspect you can think of: economic, cultural, political and so it goes. That doesn’t mean that they are not connected by some interesting facts. So I searched as much as I could and also remembered what I’ve learned with time, to present for you some facts that connects Brazil and Sweden.
Queen Silvia Renata Sommerlath
I think this is one of the first things I’ve learned when I came here. Even though the Queen of Sweden was born in Germany, her mom is Brazilian, what makes her half Brazilian! She lived in São Paulo for 10 years and knows how speak portuguese of course! I’m waiting for a moment to talk to her <3
This one was quite a surprise and it was the fact that inspired me to write this post. Marta is Brazil’s best female football player, being compared with our king Pelé all the time and she played for three different teams in Sweden! She can speak swedish and it is quite famous here, even more than she is in Brazil, I would say!
The sad 7-1
Ok, I had to put this one here. Just for all of my Swedish friends that made fun of me for the incident between Brazil and Germany on the last World Cup, ok? The thing is that yeah, in the World Cup that happened in 1950, Sweden lost to Brazil with the exact same score! So we both know how hard it is to have a score like that. snif 🙁
We love vacation and we pay for it!
When it comes to paid vacation, Sweden and Brazil are tied with 41 days! Sweden gives 25 paid vacation days and has 16 paid holidays. Beats all of the other Scandinavian countries giving the longest vacations for its workers. And in Brazil, well we are known for Carnaval so let’s say that vacation is necessary! So we have 30 paid vacation days and 11 paid holidays.
Well, as I said, Brazil and Sweden don’t have that much in common, they are quite opposites. But they are connected when it comes to some pretty cool things in life: amazing women, football and vacation! We surely agree when it comes to the important things, apparently haha
Hope you guys liked this post!