Written by Raghuraman
07 Feb 2016
I skated a couple of times last year but never on a lake. It is so crazy, I mean, I dont think its even sunk in till now. While I was struggling to stake on the lake, my friend told me “Raghu, you are staking on a lake, how cool is that, there are fish swimming below!” I mean seriously, it is ridiculous that you can live in a city and have a lake 5 mins from your home where you can stake. We went to much bigger lake though. The longest lap on this lake was 14 km! I did 4 km. I have ice skated only 4-5 times so its not like easy for me, but it was so much fun. I am getting the hang of it.
This lake was at Norrvikens Sjöisbana. You can see pictures of how it was prepared here. the skating track looks like road. We also did what is called långfärdsskridskor, which is a little different from the typical ice skating rinks.. its more straight, feels more like chilling on skates rather than going round around the rink.
It also helped that everything was pristine and absolutely beautiful. I felt like I would love to own one of the houses by such a lake. It was sooo coool.

I skated later the same week, and that was like my 6th time. I get tired really quick and feel like I’m never too far from fall over but well, this was me! (Oh the person shooting the video was skating backwards, super casual)