Written by Marina
19 Jan 2016
So today I realized that I’ve never told you about my academic life, how I managed to get here in Sweden, how the Master works and it is going so far. So I want to dedicate this post to my beloved Master programme, so you can understand a little bit more.
Let’s start from the beginning. I did my bachelor in Brazil in Social Communication focusing in Advertising, in a private University (fun fact: in Brazil the public universities are better than the private, with more qualified professors for example). So starting from there, I already thought that my chances to get a spot on a Master were low. When I decided that I wanted to do a Master, I started searching by my favorite topic to study: the internet. That is when I found the Master here in Uppsala University and it was exactly how I wanted; full of new theories and a little bit of practice. This was in 2013; I still had two years of study before I could apply. Therefore, I decided to focus my Bachelor Thesis in the Master programme and did it all about internet and its impacts on society (very smart move I must say).
Done that, I decided to apply. Sent all the required documents, rushed to get everything right and stressed out a lot about this (what do you think about a post giving you tips on how to deal with the stress of the application? Let me know in the comments!). The results came and after a little while of more documents and visa things, I found myself in Sweden doing a master in Social Sciences, focused in Digital Media and Society.
About the Master? In this case, I could choose between a one-year or two-years Master. For reasons like “I want to travel more”, “I want to have the full experience” and of course “I want to have more time to write my Master Thesis”, I decided to do the two-years Master. That being said, we just finished the first semester, where we had two classes for each trimester, this means that now I finished four core courses from the programme. Must say that the classes were amazing, inspiring and besides “Quantitative Methods” (because I hate math), I enjoyed all of them, learned many different things and could do it all over again. Now we are going to the second semester, with two core courses and two elective courses that we chose, which is pretty exciting so we can decide to learn something cool like a new language or a different course.
This Master is definetly better than I expected, I have cool classes and chalenging papers and seminars without being something impossible, but that for sure test my knowledge and habilities. Also I am very excited to start the new classes and the classes that I chose. When I’m finished with this semester I will let you know how everything went, sounds good?