Engine Lab @ Chalmers

Finding part time job in Sweden is difficult. Your chances are higher if you search in your department.

(FYI: Swedish companies often come to universities with research problems. Students are probably the most cost-efficient labor force.)

In my case, at the end of my Internal Combustion engine course, our professor asked if anyone was interested in a part-time position at the Combustion Department… Ja!

As it turns out, a local Swedish company – Cleanergy is asking Chalmers to do some measurements for them. The idea behind the engine is very neat – use fart gas to generate electricity… WHAT A CRAPPY IDEA …joking 🙂

The engine is supposed to look like this:


(Source: http://cleanergy.com)

But it actually look like this:

Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 16.18.26

As far as I know, professors/researchers at Chalmers University of Technology and Luleå Technical University are both involved. (Do you know where Luleå is?)

The engine is suppose to do this…


(Source: http://cleanergy.com)

Initially I wasn’t super impressed as the project was delayed by two months. It’s Sweden after all. Things move slow and steady… #SwedishProblems

Eventually the project took off.

I guess this is what Research and Development work is like… very different from production… Things move slowly at R&D… and our professor is adding one computer screen each week to show progress.

This is what I pictured myself doing…


This is what we are actually doing:


And the data we produce…


The professor we are working under is a pretty relaxed funny guy.

Flash jump (if you have seen the movie Ted)


You can’t always find opportunities, but sometime they come find you.

Good luck!




Written by Gimmy

06 Dec 2015