Written by Marina
30 Nov 2015
So when I woke up today and look through the window I had an amazing view! SNOW EVERYWHERE! For you that don’t know, I’m from the Amazon Region in Brazil and snow does not exist in the rainforest (hehe). So this is not only the first snow in Uppsala this year, but it is also the first time I see snow in my life! And since this might be a experience that you might go through (depending what country you’re from) I wanted to share with you.

My first thoughts about it were how pretty and white it is! Then, after the first steps I realized how slippery it is and forced myself to remember to be really careful when walking AND cykling. I also got the chance to experience the slush version of the snow. Since it is the first snow of the winter, it’s not a very thick snow and we also were lucky enough to have some sun today, so that means that the snow was melting very fast, mixing with the dirt in the ground and becoming a brownish slush. Not that cool, but the rest is so pretty that I didn’t even bother about it!

This is also going to be my first Christmas with snow and I’ll certainly go out in a snow day to play and will show everything for you guys! For now, I will just get ready for the cold that is about to come and try to have fun at the same time.