An autumnal food market in Malmö

The last weekend of October was the perfect autumnal weekend in southern Sweden. It was warm and sunny, I had finished my exam and my friend Maleen (whom I met in Lund during Orientation last year and became very close to) came to visit me from Germany. I couldn’t have asked for more! My friends and I met up and decided to spend Saturday outdoors. There was a food market in town and we were really excited to try some good food and enjoy the sun while it lasts. (It can get pretty dark here, ICYMI)

The food market was put together by an organisation that works with finding ways to farm within a city, and they work in Malmö. I have a feeling that Swedes are very picky about what they eat and how their food was grown. I think it goes with their mentality of caring about sustainability (Raghu wrote a really good post about that recently).
This food market was organised in Malmö’s Folkets Park, and since Lund is so close to Malmö, we decided to go check it out.

An abundance of organically grown fruits and vegetables, several food stands, people of all ages, dogs, and a fantastic DJ who played jazz and swing. The combination of warm sun rays (ok, not that warm), good music, the smell of tasty food in the air and the sound of chatter from people having fun, dogs playing and running around made the atmosphere feel so cozy, as if all of us knew each other and decided to hang out and have fun.

It was such a good idea to attend this food market and soak in the atmosphere. This was such a nice way to celebrate the end of my exam as well as the arrival of a good friend, along with meeting other friends I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Good food, good weather, good company.

Here’s a video I made so you could feel the atmosphere of the market:


Written by Dena

07 Nov 2015