Written by Marina
06 Nov 2015
This week I completed three months living in Sweden and I can’t believe how fast time went by. However, the most interesting part is not how time flies, but how much I have changed my daily basis and my behavior in the last months since I got here. Not only I do different things, there’s also somethings that I don’t do anymore. So, let me make a list of these things so it gets easier for you.
1) 3 months riding a bike every single day
Good for my body, good for the planet.
2) 3 months without getting inside a car
Besides, here in Uppsala everything is so close that you can walk everywhere. 3) 3 months recycling my garbage

It’s not always super cold, but try to compare the Swedish weather with the Brazilian hehe 5) 3 months that I walk on the streets at night and feel safe