Written by Marina
03 Nov 2015
Before coming here, I spend too much of my time worrying about things that now I realize I didn’t needed to. When you start doing your application, the pressure is enough and you already have too much to worry about. There’s always that simple but disturbing thoughts before applying or coming to a different country, like the fear of not making friends or don’t communicate very well for example.
So, to stop you from worring for nothing, I will tell you a few small things you don’t need to stress about before thinking about coming to a University in Sweden.
- “What if I make lots of english mistakes?”
- “What if I have a strong cultural shock?”
- “What if I don’t understand the classes?”
- “What if I don’t make any friends?”
I’m sure there is more “What Ifs” that will go through your mind, it is totally normal. You just have to keep in mind that studying abroad, especially in Sweden (;)) is an awesome adventure and small worries about the future should not stop you from coming. I thought about all of these questions and decided to come anyway. And you know what? That was the best decision of my life!
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/imagebank.sweden.se