Written by Alex
29 Oct 2015
Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
Sveavägen 73, T-bana: Odenplan
As one of the most famous buildings in Stockholm (cover photo), designed by Gunnar Asplund, it is a very cultural place to study. It’s also the largest library in Stockholm housing around 410,000 books making it well known internationally.
Group rooms, study areas and Eduroam wifi are all available along with a special language lab to help you brush up your Swedish skills!
Norrtullsgatan 2, T-bana: Odenplan
I love Studentpalatset because any student from Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm School of Economics can use the building. This means you can meet up with all your student buddies from around Stockholm and study together. There are a few group rooms available for booking and many different study halls for either laptop use, computers or just reading books.
Also theres a lovely cafe on the ground floor perfect for a morning fika break and meeting other students in town.
Karolinska Institutet Univseritetsbiblioteket
For everyday use and to quickly read up before or after class – you can’t go wrong with your own University’s library. At KI you’ll find me sitting in these comfy Chesterfield chairs (actually I’m sitting here writing this post).
Also the librarians are really helpful when you can’t find the book you need, having difficulties printing and offer workshops in referencing, MeSH and literature search techniques.
Storkyrkobrinken 7A, T-bana: Gamla Stan
This is the Library of Parliament located on Gamla Stan and has been open since 1851. There aren’t many parliament libraries open to the general public so it’s quite a privilege to be amongst so much history. Even if you don’t study there the building itself is beautiful to have a browse around. Also if you’re studying law and politics, the library specialises in parliamentary documents allowing you access to EU and UN literature and resources.